Perfectwave DAC Out of Stock

I sent an email to PS Audio last week but they didn’t respond. So I am trying the forum approach in hopes to leave a remnant behind for others to find.

Is there any update on when the Perfectwave DAC will be available? It has been out of stock since February and I am anxious to purchase a new one. Hoping someone on here knows something.

My understanding is the current version is no longer available as release of the Perfectwave DSD DAV II is forthcoming. The release may have been delayed due to supply chain issues requiring design changes to accommodate different parts. A release date for the DSD DAC has not been released to date. Should you want one with the Sunlight FW in the near term I’d suggest seeking out a gently used DSD DAC. I understand used isn’t for everyone, but at current prices it could tide you over until Rev II releases with you incurring a minor “hair-cut” upon resale on the used market. Also, there may be one or two available on the PS Audio Forum Marketplace. Should you go used I’d recommend one that is the most recent version, circa 2019 or thereafter.


The above search result is somewhat raw and may include PS Audio DACs that are rather long in tooth, earlier versions.

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@jvthree, such a purchase would allow you to own an, arguably, (still) state-of-the-art product at an incredible price, which may, by the way, drop further once the replacement model becomes available.



I’ve been watching the resale market since October last year. The one benefit for me of new is I can listen to it and decide if it fits. I wasn’t happy with the PWT fit & finish so there is that. I’m mostly happy with my other PS gear, hoping for a black remote on the new DAC… hint hint. I also want to support PS Audio by giving them money to make more good things.

Hoping someone at PS can post an update on relative time frame.


A perfectly reasonable perspective…

Good luck.

I’d say this time next year for a new PS Audio DSD Mk II, with a likely release behind them and any significant bugs worked out. Or wait for an August/September 2023 DSD Mk II sale.