Power Plant and Voltage Conversion

OK, thank you. That’s a real pity.

Welcome to the community @Meshplate

Congrats on your P300! This is very interesting. As @st50maint noted, newer power regenerators do not provide the option to convert Hz or EU voltage into North American voltage!

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I think there is an obvious work around with the new Power Plant units in order to be able to get 60Hz in Europe. Purchase a US market Power Plant in the US, send it over, source a generously specced step-down transformer which will put out 120v/50Hz, plug the Power Plant into that and the unit shouldn’t even notice as it outputs 120v/60Hz automatically. Plausible?

What put me onto this idea is that my P300 is obviously a US unit with US power sockets at the rear. It has been switched internally for 220v operation. However it happily outputs 120v/60Hz when plugged into EU AC power without batting an eyelid. The only difference with the new Power Plants (I assume) is you can’t control the frequency from the front panel or (perhaps) switch the input AC voltage internally like you can with the P300.

That is above my tech know-how :sweat_smile:

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I don’t think that would work.
My understanding is that modern power plants lock to the incoming frequency.
It would be interesting to see what happens however. Will the USA version actually put out 50 Hz in a 50 Hz country.

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Be good to hear the skinny from someone from PS Audio though.

“A circuit for implementing tracking supply alternating current (“AC”) regeneration is described. In one embodiment, the circuit comprises a line synchronization device for converting an incoming AC signal to a square wave, wherein the square wave is precisely in phase with the incoming AC signal; a processor for processing the square wave to synthesize a sine wave therefrom; a digital to audio converter (“DAC”) to convert the synthesized sine wave into an analog signal, wherein the analog signal is precisely in phase with the incoming AC signal; and an amplifier for amplifying the audio signal to a desired voltage level for driving a load.”

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Yes, as you suggest it locks onto the incominbg frequency.


Did you switch to this method (rather than the (digital?) sine wave genny plus high power analogue amplifier) for reasons of efficiency?

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The reason for being so (overly?) focused on AC frequency is that I am collecting old US reel to reel machines. Redundant to say old I guess :slight_smile: that have 60Hz hysteresis motors. There are not a lot of choices for frequency regenerators out there. I was very happy to find the P300 fills my needs in that department as well as improving the sound of my dual voltage components a lot!. (I am located in Europe.)

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