PowerPlay Performance data - issues?

Any prospect of further development of the PowerPlay UI and performance data?

Since forever the PowerPlay performance charts have been missing chunks of data, either in random hourly blocks several times per day, or for longer periods. Missing chunks of data might also be evident over a given period for voltage, but not watts or THD over that same period, so it’s not as if the device isn’t calling home. There is something at the server end going whacky. Certainly nothing at my end to account for the P-devices not being able to call home.

Plus there could be some improvements in the charting (see the example of the voltage chart below, the scale needs to be tweaked so that the data is falling within a sensible range and not off the charts). Plus being able to add AM/PM to the time, or have the choice of 24hr time.

There are also other whacky things going on in PowerPlay, like the zone names being configured on the P-device are out of alignment with what the device state is showing on-line. It would be great if the software engineering brains trust could take a break from whatever they are doing and have a crack at improving the PowerPlay UI.

And I’d really like to see the watchdog feature developed. Being able to ping a LAN IP and reboot if no response would be nice to see…I’m guessing it should be straight-forward to implement via tweaking he firmware.

And I really don’t like losing 12 months of PowerPlay data on January 1 each year. If it’s because of lack of capacity on the server how about send the data to the owner in some form that can be kept on record off your server?

Attached files

brodricj said: There are also other whacky things going on in PowerPlay, like the zone names being configured on the P-device are out of alignment with what the device state is showing on-line.

I noted this and it took me a few moments to realize it is a mirror image.

For me, the data gaps tend to be for an hour or so prior to the current time, although there can be other gaps as well.

I find the data somewhat amusing, but of little use. What do you do with it, especially with a year plus of information?

@elk it’s quite amusing checking how many neighbourhoods are out for holidays :slight_smile:

And I thought that it was just me ;:wink: