Power Plant P5 Web history


With the change in the website, is the Voltage history, Wattage used history, and THD history been relocated or is it gone from the “my PS - Control” portion of the website. I found it useful to track the voltage and THD. Thank you.

It appears to have been dropped from “Control.” It may remain available as part of PowerPlay, but I have never signed up to see.

It does work with PowerPlay.

Thank you for the info. I was able to register my P5 and am starting to use Power Play.

Please let us know if this works for you.

I need to get off my butt and do this with my P10. I’ve been working to improve the wiring in the house, I’d also like to monitor the things that are out of my control (like the noise fed to the house).

I found it fun to monitor for a bit. It is interesting to note whether power is indeed cleaner and closer to the expected voltage at night, for example.

Powerplay works, but there are now a lot of gaps, one to several hours, in the monitoring history.

This always was the case for me, even with the older interface. The gaps were always random.

Elk said This always was the case for me, even with the older interface. The gaps were always random.
With the older interface, I might see an occasional gap of an hour. I never saw huge gaps of several hours which is the norm now.

Web Performance Monitoring Before Website Change (4/19/12):

Web Performance Monitoring After Website Change (7/13/14):


I just checked my graphs. They are more like your older one. There are 2 or 3 gaps of an hour each during a 24 hour period.

I have never seen the huge gaps you show on your recent graph.

Yike, these are big gaps.

Elk said Please let us know if this works for you.
Took about three to four days to start capturing information. Looks great, except for the data gaps. Seems as you lose an hour here or two there. Thanks again.....

My voltage graph has been strange lately. The scale is from minus 4 to plus 116.

The actual voltage is about 120 so the graph is pegged at the top. See below:

It certainly makes it look very dramatic.