P10 - Performance monitoring

Hi, i’m a proud new owner of an amazing P10.

It works fine but i only have problem with the performance monitoring on the website.

I can see the chart but no curve or relevation in any date.

What’ s wrong?


It usually takes time for the graphs to populate.

Give it 24 hours and hopefully it will be working.

Thanks for quick reply!

It’s on line from last saturday…

Alerts by e-mail also seems to not work. I simulated an interruption on the lan but no email.

I don’t see the performance charts at all. The links to them have disappeared. All I see is the command center that allows me to configure the P10.

Ever since PS Audio updated the web site about a month ago, the performance chart is missing. I think they will try to fix it in the future. Things were ever worse when it was first updated, almost everything did not work and slowly, bit by bit, the original functions were restored.

Ok, I understand. Web functions will remain limited until someone will work on.

I love anyway my ps10!

Thanks for reply.


I get the graphs if I select the “Power Play” option.

I do not get them if I select “Control”.