PS Audio AirLens

Are you familiar with the Sonore Rendu family of products? From what I understand it’s similar to that.

Edited to include price.

There will be a phone/ tablet app to control it.
It does not have a handheld remote.
We do not know if it has a screen on the front.
It will be Roon Ready.
You will be able to stream an unknown number of different music apps and streaming services through it.
It has Airplay, I assume 2, but I am not an Apple user. Maybe @aangen
knows, he’s a fanboy :smiley:
It has coax and I2S out.
It does not have USB out.
It’s wireless and wired Ethernet.
It is not a knife sharpener.
It’s not yet bunny approved.
We don’t know the release date, maybe Q3?
We don’t know the price. Edit: Possibly around $1800, TBD.
It is most likely not a traditionally sized peice of gear like the DS, a smaller form factor.
Congratulations! I thought I read that Paul was giving one to the person who posted the 759 post in this topic.
We don’t know the color(s).
Somewhere in the circuit is an air gap which will de-jitter the signal.
Did I mention the bunnies?

I am sure I missed some things.