PS Audio Black Friday Sale?

Anything going on sale? The new Merchandise Table 50% off? FR-30’s at 20% off (whatever their price is). I know, as I brought up before, the new BHK-600s offering full 100% retail trade-in of the BHK-300s, with shipping?


I’m also interested to know. I’m going today to my PSAudio retailer. Depends on deal, a BHK Preamp would have a new home.

We didn’t do anything for Black Friday this year but we possibly will do something for the Holidays/New Years. I haven’t heard anything firm, but certainly something to keep your eyes out for.


A timely stocking stuffer would be …Wonderful… :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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I’m hoping for a sale this year too! I have my eyes on the PowerPlant P12.
I think it would be very useful for me. I live a big apartment complex (300 units), and the building I’m in has 12 units.

You definitely want a P12. I can’t believe what it did for my system, I was shocked😎

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That’s nice to know!
I remember there was a Black Friday sale 2 years ago (I think), but at the time the PowerPlant was out of my budget.

As of now, we don’t have any plans for a promo coming up soon. Feel free to shoot me an email and I can try to work out good pricing for you.

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Well, THAT was a short Holiday, James!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Merry Christmas, man!


Wow…that’s very generous of you! Sending email now.