Hi Paul if you’re looking for Beta Testers I’m currently a Roon Lifetime and Qobuz, Tidal user with access to Amazon Prime and Ipad and Ipad Pro user.
I’m also interested in given one a run to see how it performs.
Exciting times ahead!
As always, PS Audio will put out a call for Beta testers if any are desired.
Please do not fill this thread up with posts indicating willingness to test.
Is there a projected price?
Paul and company,
So as it happens, I have recently become visually handicapped -sort of. My actual vision is fine, even unusually good for 60 years old, but the muscles that make my eyes converge at short distances have gotten weak, resulting in all kinds of nasty symptoms if I spend a lot of time looking at things like phones or computer screens. Am still hoping for a cure and am doing various therapies. But it occurred to me to ask: Will the server have an HDMI output to connect to a monitor? Right now the easiest thing for me would be to do that and have a keyboard/trackball at the seating position. I can still use an ipad etc but it would be nice to have this additional capability, or at least the ability to remote control the server from a PC. Just putting this out there… TIA!
From past comments on these fora I would be surprised if PS Audio included a video out. (I once asked the question about the DirectStream Memory Player so that you could access the correct blu-ray tracks.) You could always try screen-mirroring your iPad or other tablet to your PC.
…or Airplay (or its equivalent) to a “Smart TV”…
Yeah airplay would work. Actually tho, thinking this through a little more, really all I would want would be a web-based controller or windows app. Not an absolute necessity for me in any case but when I have a really bad day, I could get Octave up on the large monitor above my rack, and control it from my listening seat, which would help. Anyway, thanks for your thoughts!
I hear you brother. 68 and getting older (to paraphrase Gordon Lightfoot), and my Dell 32" monitor looks so much better that my iPad Pro 12.9!!!
Are there any news regarding the Bridge III compatibility with PWD mkII?
Into November…any news re Octave ?
See, click
We’re finally in the testing phase for the UI and that’s good progress. I have stopped predicting when it’s going to be ready since I am always wrong.
I can say that by the end of November we should have working proton controlled by iPads to test in house. That’s a lot of progress after what’s looking now like 3 years of hard work.
I just hope the interface has classical music lovers in mind. I love Roon but it fails like most by not allowing searches to emphasize composer…
I have heavily pushed this with Paul and the developer. They promise Octave will handle classical music well.
Do you expect Octave to retag your whole library? Usually this means all personally edited tags get lost…but it sure will be good for those who don’t touch the tagging and are ok with what was delivered so far.
It most certainly is not okay. I’ve worked for years on my library and anyone who creates a system that does what it wants with my files is a system that has no future with me. Give a choice, sure. But forced? Who could agree with that position? Bah.
I think we will always have a choice to either stay with our own tagging or to take over the music server‘s tagging.
The question is if there’s a possibility to decide by tag if it should be kept or come from the server‘s logic, as this would be the only helpful functionality.