PSA: Directstream MK1 Dac Significantly upgraded by JCat Femto Coming out of PC

Here’s a TLDR before my short novel below, lol: Using a JCAT card in my PC significantly improved the sound of my Directstream Mk1 coming out of my PC using USB and also reduced perceived sibilance slightly.

Hi guys, first post here. I am a longtime audiophile since 2005ish. I have built my speakers
and have tried a few mid and lower range products throughout the years. Once refurbed
directstream DACs came online for the reduced price I finally took the plunge. I had owned
one of their much earlier model DACs around 12 years ago that I bought second hand and I loved it. It got sold eventually in the neverending upgradeitis and discovery process.

I generally think of myself as a rational empiricist in most domains. In other words if I cant truly hear a difference I wont suggest an upgrade. Even though I do have mild tinnitus, my hearing is generally quite good and I’m 41 years old. I can hear clearly upto around 13khz. I also used to make computer electronic music for what thats worth. Despite my empiricism, I always leave the door open to the possiblity that there are reasons why something sounds better even if I dont understand why that is.

Anyhow, Ive been really into studying speaker design and have gone through many drivers and finally settled on a two way using a 15" 18 Sound 500W woofer for the low end and a Joseph Crowe 8x5" horn powered by a B&C DE500 compression driver for the top end.

There’s something special about a two way and the clarity and phase coherence as well as polar response is pretty hard to beat IMO.

I had been using a DEQX to design and prototype the speaker and finally once I was happy with it (crossover around 1200hz 2nd order on the 15, 1st order on the horn) I switched to the DS Mk1 dac. Im using my PC as a source and I was under the impression that it was ‘source agnostic’ in other words USB right out of the PC would be ‘as good as it gets’. Well I have to be honest when I first tried it I was disappointed. It was just ever so slightly better than the DEQX and the sibilance from digital I had been hearing was still there. It had gotten to a point where I really had lost alot of enjoyment in music due to the annoying effect sibilance had begun to have on my ears. It was slightly better with the DS dac but not much.

I had purchased a JCAT femto card a long time ago and had issues with it working with my gemini USB cable so I hadn’t been using it recently but finally today I switched to just a regular USB cable and got the JCAT femto card to work. WOW, what a difference. Honestly, it sounds so much better and I cant really explain why. The ‘wholeness’ and ‘stability’ of the aural image is back and the sibilance is drastically reduced! ‘ess’ sounds no longer irritate me as much. Its only been a few hours, so I will update in the following days to confirm this isn’t placebo but I’m feeling fairly confident its not. fingers crossed

Anyways, I’m just giving back to the community a bit with this information in case it helps someone. I don’t know if other DDS or internal card solutions will work as well, but if you’re having annoying sibilance issues with your digital audio or just aren’t feeling like your DAC sounds great I highly suggest trying this out, or I suppose other options like the air lens (although I havn’t tried it). After this, I am even going further I just inquired about ordering an external LPS for the femto card and will see if that makes further improvements as well.

I know this is getting long, sorry for the book here lol. One last observation: I had tried the JCAT femto card previously with my DEQX and was underwhelmed…I thought about this and what I cameup with is that possibly the DEQX just isnt resolving enough to notice a difference but the DS IS. And yet without the JCAT the DS dac was ALSO underwhelming. The source absolutely does matter. No wonder this hobby is so confusing… you just have to keep experimenting and don’t give up.

Cheers all,


PS: (not audio lol) In case someone thinks I work for JCAT I dont, lol. I live in Canada and I think they’re in Europe somewhere. This is just my own humble opinion put out there for the benefit of whomever. I have consumed so much of what other people put out there I wanted to contribute something of my own.

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As promised, on a one day update: The changes remain not subtle. So definitely not placebo :slight_smile: Much ‘smoother’ sound but no less detail just less harsh. Much easier to ‘relax into the music’. Before the sibilants had a ‘spitty’ quality to them. I have a monster graphics card in my PC so it probably creates alot of noise.e I think the Femto is filtering alot of that out. Will update again once my Farad Super 3 5v power supply arrives to see if there is more to be gained…

Interesting and well written. I appreciate others who share their experiences down unique paths. Keep us updated on any additional developments.

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Awesome to hear! Thanks for the perspective.

I’ve come to realize PC noise (I’m a gamer so think huge noisy graphics card) is a huge area worthwhile for improvement. I can’t believe how noisy and not “chill” my computer made my whole system sound until made strides to combat it.

I have a JCAT power supply too, I’ve owned the Nano and now the Optimo duo. I power my USB and Net cards (I’ve built it up over the years but I’m sorta fully kitted out now)

I will say, I really liked the sound of the Nano if you want a cheap upgrade to separate your Card from the pc a little further. It’s also nice because it can fit in the case if you have a tower.

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Update: I did get the Farad powersupply and have had a week with it now. Did it make a difference? Yep ! Was it as big of a step as just using the Femto instead of a serial port USB? Nope. I’d say it gave another 35% on top of what the Femto did. BUT… What really made it all come together is TODAY…

I finally got the Gemini cable to work.

Its a two-headed cable that has the data on one cable and runs the power separately. I found another cheaper LKS linear power supply lying around and it has a USB power port at the back so I used that for the power side; the Femto has two USB ports but I can only get one of them working so I’m using that one for data.

This combo has significantly improved the overall presentation. I even switched to Qobuz over Tidal and I can hear a clear difference in quality. Before it wouldnt have been so obvious.

All in all I feel like I’ve made a major breakthrough on my system because I’ve kindof been in rut with the sibilance and edgy sound for quite a while.

Perhaps in future I’ll give a full rundown of my paltry setup. Cheers !

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Hi ELiGuy, Great to hear this helped elevate the sibilance and harshness in your system. I use a dedicated M1 Mac Mini for my music server, USB out to a LeafAudio DDC that converts USB to i2S. I bought the cheaper clock version and upgraded there clocks to CRYSTEK CCHD-957 from Mouser myself. It was cheaper that way and I got to have the fun of replacing the clocks myself! It’s powdered externally and sounds better than USB powered.

The DS sounds better this way over USB out of the MAC to USB input of the DS. Though I can’t say if that’s because of the DDC or that it is now using i2S input to the DS.
The only Mod. I haven’t done to my DS is a separate power supply for the analog board. Great to hear of your experience using the Farad power supply. At this point the DS is probably my end game DAC and I’m saving this last power supply upgrade for the day i’m feeing “upgradeitis” as you put it!

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