Qobuz Connect on Airlens

Software Development Kit

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Thank you for that remkohuigen! I would expect Convers is working it for the app and PS Audio, well, they have other stuff on their plate …

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Maybe I am missing something, …does this mean Airlens will not work w Qobuz at all ?
If Airlens DOES work w Qobuz now, what will Qobuz connect do differently?

Qobuz works now with the AirLens via mConnect (I use it). IMO, the mConnect interface is clunky. I hope Qobuz Connect will have a smoother way to search and add files to the queue. But I can’t say for sure.


Qobuz Connect is streaming directly from the internet to your streamer with the use of the Qobuz app on your phone, tablet or computer without the use of third party software (mconnect on airlens or for instance lighting on auralic streamers). The same as with Spotify or Tidal Connect.

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Any update on the gradual rollout of Qobuz Connect on Airlens?

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Not until there actually is a Qobuz Connect.

I have an AirLens on order (hopefully will be shipped this week!). I now stream Qobuz through Audirvanna, and also and play my ripped files through Audirvanna. Does the AirLens play nicely with Qobuz through Aurirvanna without needing any of the eConnect SW?

And another question - and not to misdirect from a straightforward answer from my question above - If I can still use Qobuz through Audirvanna, is there any benefit to using Roon over this?