Recommend a server to couple with DSJ

Have you talked to Rollo about one of the Innuos devices? There are a couple in your price range.

It is a brand I’ve looked at, didn’t realize Rollo was a dealer. That’d help.

Looks like the Innuos will connect to the DSJ via Ethernet and that they have a web based browser and internal storage.

I was going to suggest the Small Green Computer path with Andrew, sounds like you have been there with Roon.

I use the i5 with SSD and a Sonore SSR.

I can not use the HQPlayer app since I do not run with an NAA and I also do not care for Roon.

Running MinimServer with BubbleServer and using MinimStreamer I get exceptionally good sound.

As for DSP, I am still in a learning curve with ffmpeg and MinimStreamer for parametric EQ.

I have gone the miniDSP route and actually have 2 DDRC22’s, neither is in my main system.

DiracLive on miniDSP will auto sample everything through a SRC for DSP correction, I don’t care for it .

I like simple, but sometimes simple just can’t get you what you want.

Wyred4Sound with 2TB solid state drive works well for me.

Have you considered running BitPerfect on your MacBook?

I am not certain that it would be “wireless” , may need a connection via USB.

Have heard good things about the SSR, too bad it’s no longer available.

Don’t know about NAA, MiniimServer, BubbleServer, or FFMpeg.

Agree with the risks of trying to be too simple. Had a DSPeaker Anti-Mode 2.0 Dual Core (DAC, preamp, automatic DSP). Worked well for the price, but felt like trying to make adjustments and re-running the DSP SRC was like chasing my tail. Would have it worked out, then next time I got the urge to dink (days/months later) it seemed to give different results.

Spoke at length with a guy last night who is in touch with the high-end. He said the biggest advantage servers can provide is to create soundstage depth (but only if you have speakers with uniform polar response, like omni-directional or bipolar designs). He suggested trying a PerfectWave Transport, using the I2S connection to see if my monitors/DSJ can benefit.

What is your primary goal?

If it is better sound, perhaps list your equipment and detail what you find lacking.

It does not appear what you want is server per se.

Primary system goal: 3D soundstage; flatter frequency response (already very good); even better detail/tone retrieval (already excellent); simple to setup/maintain system; total system cost under $10k USD (already have $7800 invested)

Speakers: JBL 708Ps; $4000/pair MSRP; active studio monitors with controlled directivity waveguide compression tweeter and 8 inch ported woofer

Subwoofers: (3) powered subs in total for distributed bass generation; (2) Presonus T10 ($400 each professional 10 inch ported subs, XLR cable into each sub, then outputted to each 708P; (1) CSS 10 inch XBL^2 in sealed cabinet connected to “Y” connected RCA left/right channels

DAC/preamp/streamer: DSJ (located about 5 ft from listening position)

Source: MacBook Air, early 2014; CD’s ripped with ALAC into iTunes and Tidal; 10ft USB cable

Network: Fiber optic feed; Netgear 1750 router; wireless except for Netgear HomePage (ethernet over house electrical wiring) to listening room (for previous server)

Listening Room: 8ft x 13ft x 21ft (Fibonacci ratios); 6ft equilateral triangle mid-field setup firing into the length of the room, well away from side/front walls; well insulated; electrical power for audio comes from (3) cryo’d 20 amp hospital grade duplex receptacles, each on a dedicated 20 amp circuit with 12 gauge wiring, all three connected to a dedicated ground; (10) 2ft x 4ft x 4 inch Owens Corning 703 high density fiberglass (GIK 244)

I now think I understand. Your thinking is the MacBook can be improved upon as a source.

That’s exactly what I’m investigating.

I like the idea of trying a PerfectWave Transport to feed your DAC.

There may be things you can do with your MacBook which improves the data stream. I know nothing about these critters.

I would like to suggest (again?) that you give JRiver Media Center (JRMC) a try on a trial basis and that you stream the files “organized” by JRMC via Wi-Fi/Ethernet, instead of a direct connection via USB. Many folks report that USB requires a lot of care and feeding in order to sound excellent. Short of that, adding some “noise control” to your USB pathway might result in a significant improvement. There are myriad recommendations for optimizing the USB signal. IME, the great benefit of the PSA Bridge (I have a DS DAC Sr. w/Bridge II), is that you don’t need a separate source/dedicated computer-like device. My iMac delivers terrific performance over Wi-Fi, to router, to DAC via JRMC.

FWIW/good luck,



I don’t know if it meets all of your criteria but I know there are a lot of folks that really, really like their MELCO’s:

MELCO Site Link


Thanks, Scott

This is the direction I feel jlm should take but I lack the knowledge to make specific suggestions.

Thanks Scott, have had very little success with player software and don’t know what is meant by “USB requires a lot of care and feeding in order to sound excellent”. Have a hard time understanding why so many here seem to think wireless from my MacBook, then HomePage from my router, and finally ethernet cable into the DSJ would sound better than USB from MacBook into DSJ.

Melco does have good (but now dated) reviews and and simple to use, but somehow doesn’t seem to have caught on (only one U.S. dealer). Do you know what their software is like or if they are Roon compatible (for future considerations if Roon takes over the server world as it may have already done)?

The key to getting the most out of a Melco is to replace the stock “Twonky” software with the free MinimServer. See:

Melco’s are not Roon Ready, but IMO a person can forget about Roon pretty quickly running MinimServer.

“Dated” reviews? Here is a pro review of the (very expensive) Melco N1ZS/2A from July 2018 that concludes as follows:

“This Melco reiterates just how important the source is in a digital system, by reducing the various sources of distortion that corrupt data it delivers such a comprehensively rich and detailed bitstream that the results with a good DAC or streamer are astonishing. It leaves computer audio sources in the dust and brings an ease of use that makes listening to great music a more entertaining experience than you might imagine is possible with digital audio.”

Also, I am not sure where you got that idea that Melco has “only one U.S. dealer,” but I count at least TWENTY dealers on this map:

Boot, you’ve got better links, thanks. Found a dealer 75 miles away.

How hard would it be for a ‘certified’ computer dummy to install the minimserver?

Hi, you’re welcome, happy to help. As for installing MinimServer on a Melco, if these instructions look daunting to you then I would say it could be an issue:

Having said that, the instructions are straightforward, I followed them, and it probably took less than 15 minutes from beginning to end to do it. (You might want to ask your dealer if he would do the install for you if you make the purchase.)

RE: “USB-Direct” challenges

Conventional wisdom seems to be (in my words) that USB is great (and designed) for transmitting data but that it is notorious for carrying and/or gathering various forms of noise as well. The “care and feeding” I mentioned may be summed up as various and sundry methods, tweaks, kit, etc. employed to eradicate “noise”. Do some “googling” on the subject, at your leisure - lots of digital ink has been spent on the subject. Best of luck on (and enjoy) your quest.