RIP Arnie Nudell

I read today that Arnie Nudell has passed away. Sad news indeed. Condolences to his family, Paul and all who knew him.

Thank you, Frank

Paul asked me to post this:

It is with heavy heart I am writing about the end of an era. My friend, mentor, inspiration, and former business partner, Arnie Nudell, has passed away from complications of pneumonia. The family laid him to rest on Monday, November 20, 2017.

Arnie could truly be said to be one of the founders of high-end audio, along with Bill Johnson, Harry Pearson, and a small handful of other influential figures. When Arnie, John Ulrick, and Cary Christie started Infinity Systems in 1968, there was no other company in audio that pushed the state of the art the way they did. They cleared the path for the rest of us to follow.

Arnie was 80. An amazing man.

Oh no. So sorry to hear this. My condolences to his family and his friends at ps audio.

My first - what I could afford high end speaker was the infinity Quantum 5. What a lucky man Arnie was to be able to share his passion with literally the world. He will be missed.

Sad news.

Very sad on hearing this. Condolences to Arnie’s family and friends.

Sad news. My condolences.

: (

Condolences to Arnie’s family, friends, and Paul who lost a mentor. He will be missed by many. Arnie was a force in the audiophile world and has definitely left his mark. Many of us listen to his work every day in the form of DS upgrades for which we are forever thankful to him for helping sort out the “right one” from the many versions Ted produced (obviously, thanks to Ted and Paul for their part too).

See, also, Paul’s Posts, here.

A great loss. Very sad indeed.

I just saw Paul’s FB post about Arnie. This makes me so sad. His contributions to the field are immense and his friendship and collaboration with Paul and others priceless. Tears.

When I read the news my first thought was to come on this forum to see what people were saying about Arnie’s passing.

I know we have benefitted greatly from his passion and insight into our world of music reproduction.

If memory serves me, wasn’t it Arnie that helped guide Paul as he desired to create an ultimate amplifier and lead him to BHK to design it when the digital amps didn’t meet Arnie’s standards?

As a teenager in high school I really desired a pair of Infinity speaker (the 1.5 I think) but couldn’t afford them. I never did own one of his products but it’s nice to finally own some of gear he helped guide into existence. I hope to enjoy these BHK 300’s for decades to come.

At the very least it’s nice that he got to impact the world in a positive way for a disparate community of people, even those far beyond his personal reach.