RIP Mark Lanegan


Shocked to have learned this. A remarkable talent.

Saw God staring from the wall
I was alone and lost
Here to take me from this world
Still alone and lost

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I got to see him sing with Queens of the Stone Age in 2003. He was amazing :frowning:

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I saw him a couple of times with the Screaming Trees, but never after. His solo albums, Blues Funeral and Gargoyle, are still on my regular play list along with Sweet Oblivion. This one hurt a lot. Time to go spin some Mark.


I was just reading about the recorded but unreleased Lead Belly album w/ Kurt Cobain. While I hope it stays sealed, I bet it’s really something.


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Very talented fellow. I’ve enjoyed many of his projects from Screaming Trees, QotSA, The Gutter Twins and his collaboration with Neko Case on her recent album “Hell-On”. RIP indeed.

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