Room Acoustic Measurements (REW) Rabbit Hole

@luca.pelliccioli, all of the above is spot on and in line with my own experience. Nice summary, @jvvita.

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Wow! A hard day today at work, lot of posts to read… now.

Firs of all, thank you all for your help!

The reason for removing subs is not aesthetic but sonically. Actually I noticed (using an iOS App on iPad) a dip around 40 Hz if they are on, regardless their position (and I experimented different set up). By ears I can’t hear significant differences. Setting the crossover from 30Hz to 40Hz. Hope that REW will provide more precise measurements. My plan is to understand first, then to work only on speakers set up and/or passive treatments. @Valerio-Mac yes, I also like the idea to have less cables and boxes around the room (but the sound is the most important thing, of course)

Thank you, couldn’t be happier if you find your written instruction procedures. I’ll take also a look at the video you suggested. Food for thoughts! Thanks!

If my Mentor gives me a suggestion I take care of that, for sure. Sooner or later I need to seriously consider BACCH. At the moment my focus is on a general view of my room, the big picture so to speak.
I’m not interested in software correction but, who knows, never say never…
What I don’t like about BACCH is that IMO it’s too much Edgar dependent, it means that I cannot call him easily from the other side of the world when needed (and I’m afraid it could happen frequently, I’m not a tech guy). Secondly I’m not incline to add again a MacMini in my room with other stuff on the rack.
Anyhow I’m not excluding the idea at all. You know, I needed to pass through the Dragon to land on the STEALTH, my friend!

Thanks for your guidelines, very useful! I hope to receive the UMIK-1 within Friday in order to start my job during next weekend!

Thank you, see you on the other thread! I’ll keep you informed.


You just opened the can of worms. We tipped it over for you while you were gone. :rofl:

I think the BACCH is going to be doing the measurements for me soon.


I might be in the same BAACH ORC camp some day. I tried the REW years ago and couldn’t get it to work. I gave up and have been fiddling with room additions and speaker placement to dial things in.
An in-ear, instantly adjustable, retrievable, and neutral EQ checks all the boxes. Whether it is intuitive enough to be used by a digital novice like me is another matter.


Short answer, having the means Bacch is the cutting edge solution.


REW, DIRAC and similar programs are very powerful because of that also have a pretty steep learning curve.

I have used both along with Acuorite but it is very easy to get lost in the weeds and forget where you are, have been or going.

Due to some vision issues and a little early onset it is going to be easier and better for me to have it done semi automatically by the BACCH.

The bottom line is that if you like what you hear there is no reason (other than simple curiosity) to look any farther. It is certainly interesting to look at the room responses and see how our senses tend to homogenize what we hear to make it as pleasing to our brains as possible.


Here’s a thread I started a while back. I’m a huge fan of REW and the ability to adjust my system’s frequency response with my dBx Venu360 LMS (DSP based loudspeaker management system).

One thing I learned is that there’s no substitute for acoustic room treatments in taming RT60 (reverb time to decay by 60dB over a specified frequency range). Also, it is simply impossible to optimize your system by ear. Measurements matter IMHO.


I second this.
I found the rabbit hole is deeper than I expected and I didn’t come close to the bottom. One thing I can say is to be patient and don’t hurry the process. REW help files provide excellent guidance.
AVNirvana is a good source.
Best of luck. A real benefit is every day you’re studying is saving money by not buying the newest gadget!
After the fact I found reading Galen’s Iconoclast tech papers helped understand phase coherence


One more tip is to avoid filling in frequency response dips too much as that can overload your amplifier and won’t really solve the underlying issue.

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In my opinion you are missing out. But my preamp has 4 MENs built in. With the external your listening to Two more sets of ICs I don’t have.

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Yeah! What he said!!!

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I was listening to Vinyl through Bacch with all it’s glory and I switched to a different input on the preamp, the phono preamp. All Analog, no corrections. It seemed nice. Harry Bellefonte Sings the Blues. Amazing sound.

It’s all about how a recording loads the room. Not everything excites it and needs dialing back across the spectrum for worst case. But optimal curve is never bad is what I found. It is just different.


And you’re right, but it’s stronger than me:
if my brain focuses that something is manipulating the signal or sound I panic. :rofl:

The increased pleasure helps you through that.

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Yes, you are not entirely wrong.
Trying costs nothing, it will be done, Sir! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Everything worthwhile costs something in this hobby. I am a bang for the buck kind of guy. Extremely frugal. Nothing over the top.


My girlfriend always tells me she got me during the sales! :rofl:

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One more thing came to mind about the loudness during the freq sweeps.

The recommended db level is 83 for a reason that I cannot remember at this time.

Good luck and keep us posted with one of your famous very detailed reports!


In my understanding, one should never boost via eq. Only attenuate. Also, eq would only work on regions where your system irrsponse s behaving near minimum phase.

Designing filters is a hard task. There are very good softwares that will do the heavy lifting, like accurate and audiolense. they will correct phase and frequency response.

But in my view, this kind of discussion should come after one gets accustomed to the room-soeaker interaction, and has experimented with speaker placement.

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