Salt water reef tanks

anyone here doing any reef tanks ? Let’s post some pics

I’d post a pic of mine if I wasn’t so ashamed of it - my maintenance habits have dwindled once I had a constant majano/manjano outbreak. That, coupled with high phosphate levels has discouraged me. I’ve used reactors, pads, curtailed feedings (and cut out the reef “foods” that I thought brought it on), upgraded my top-off from RO to RO/DI and still get blanket algae growth.

The majanos die short-term with continual aiptasia-x treatment, but will never fully go away, so I’m currently a frustrated reef owner. I’ve even tried blue laser on them - the A-X works better with less time and no silly glass-wearing/worries about bounce, etc.

Crazily enough, there are a few things that are blossoming to the point of needed fragging. Chalices grow like wildfire - have a dinner plate sized tyree piece that caused an earlier broken off fragment from it that dropped lower to now reach out 5 inches just to bloom and get light. Other chalice pieces that I don’t even remember adding keep expanding out in diff places. Before my mistreatment out of disgust, I couldn’t wish for a chalice to even survive - let alone thrive! A devils hand that the clowns treat as home is now about 15" across – a substrate placed blasto colony and a maze brain have both grown close to softball sizes! So I look at this as a learning experience.

I was really into zo’s and spent too much chasing the pretty flowers – all the printed material says high up in tank, give them light. Well, with the majanos and algae, only the hardy ones are still making it, but the ones and twos that fell to the bottom are now colonies and thriving. Tubbs blues are now 25+, others like-wise. WTH??

I will say - nothing kills the palys - they are the one thing besides toadstools and leathers that just dominate the majanos and any algae no matter how lazy I am. I did lose favias and acans, so maybe I should sack up, get back into maintenance and just deal with what this tank wants to grow.

Bummed in a way - besides the 18" bristle star that’s now at least 6 years old!! No crap - the video below is a year old - if I ever think of folding up shop on reefkeeping, I feed the tank and he comes out. You can “pet” him (kinda). LOL

I have some of the calms and the Starr also mine is red .

i would,post pics here but I have never figured it out from my iPad .

Ill,try later froma desk top pc. I have a guy maintain my tank once every two weeks . Although I do feeding and daily main myself .

Mine is fish and reef. The blue clam I have and one in brown. It’s About 6 months old now going well so far. My tank is about 200 gallons . Years ago I had a fish only salt that was a custom tank of about 600 gallons in my home.

So far only one fish has died a yellow tang go figure . I have about 10 fish and about twenty pcs of live coral both hard and soft and Anemies in vsruios colors also clams the ones with out a shell. In purple , pink and green. The purple one stated to eat one of small pink grass ananmies . I pulled it out and so far it’s still alive but hurt . I’ll do some pics today and post it.


I had a beautiful tank years ago. Most of mine died during a circulation malfunction after cleaning. I was on a 40hr shift and came home to that horror. I restocked and did not realize that the beautiful grouper that I added would consume the others at an alarming rate. The tank was very deep and I could not catch him with a net so I cut the barb off of a hook and went fishing, much to the delight of my young two young boys. Not too long after that I drained it and donated the tank to a kid with marfan’s syndrome who lived for reef tanks. Getting the 4X6X2 ft tank up the stairs and out the door was a real scary event. Only cracked the bottom, an easy fix! Now I stick to farm animals. Not as pretty but more durable. Of course, cleaning their “tank” sucks…

wglenn said I had a beautiful tank years ago. Most of mine died during a circulation malfunction after cleaning. I was on a 40hr shift and came home to that horror. I restocked and did not realize that the beautiful grouper that I added would consume the others at an alarming rate. The tank was very deep and I could not catch him with a net so I cut the barb off of a hook and went fishing, much to the delight of my young two young boys. Not too long after that I drained it and donated the tank to a kid with marfan's syndrome who lived for reef tanks. Getting the 4X6X2 ft tank up the stairs and out the door was a real scary event. Only cracked the bottom, an easy fix! Now I stick to farm animals. Not as pretty but more durable. Of course, cleaning their "tank" sucks...
Yeah - groupers gulp anything they can get in their mouths and get REALLY big at an alarming rate!! Was it a panther grouper (white w black spots)? They can get pretty massive.

I had a maroon clown that would come up and nip at your hands every time you tried to do anything in the tank. He was a smaller sucker overall (about 3" - which isn’t large for a tomato or maroon clown), but he’d draw blood with every nip and it hurt!

I rented a fish trap from a local store to get the little jerk. A fish trap is just a clear plexi box with a door that would slide shut vertically once you released the fishing line - you put some food/bait in the back of the box and wait him out. Unfortunately, every other fish can also come in and hang out as well. Took forever with a lot of trial and error, but I trapped him and brought him into the store who wanted him for some unknown reason - they even gave me a few bucks store credit!! LOL

He was kinda purple and red as I recall. Actually fishing for him with the barbless hook was fun, in a redneck kind of way. 2guns_gifI got store credit for him when I took him back and yes, his growth rate was phenomenal!