SGCD Digital in?

Enjoy the music. The M700 and GCD are a great match and should give you years of enjoyment.

These are the fuse ratings depending on your version. My understanding is you have the 230v one? Anyway, if your line is 230 and connect anything rated for less, your device would be smoking in 1 minute or less, God forbid.

Will have to drill some holes in the bookself to arrange the frour pangea power cables, they are damn hard to bend, have to use the current $30 power cable from china
I hope the sound quality can be much be better with the pangea cables

It should, and as with all other cables and equipment, give them time and they will reward you. In this hobby, patience is our best friend.

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Yeah , 230v , but i’m using the isolated transformer to filter the EMI, RF … not perfect solution but just OK for now , power plant is in the bottom of the to do list
the tranformer have two outlet for 230c and 2 port for 100v, i have at least 3 PSA devices need 230v, i dont wnat to use another power strip , just wonder if the GCD can work on either 230 or 100v ?

As long as the transformer is giving the devices something close to 230v you are fine. The three (GCD + M700s) would burn 180 - 250 watts under ordinary conditions. So, your transformer should be able to handle twice as much so that it would not become a bottleneck. All devices should connect to 230V only.

most of time it stays at 228v and +/- 1%
my grid is super stable simce i’m using the solar panel with 4.5KVA except from 4PM - next 7AM when the Sun goes up :slight_smile:
I have the auto switching switch for grid and solar panel within 4mn seconds when the solar under 215v then auto switch to grid

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Thank you for all of your help, @Serhan !

@Elk thanks for the encouragement. Actually, I am glad I remembered, LOL

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Anyway, thanks @Serhan all good now, just re-arrange and stack them all and start burn in
Very nice products PS Audio.
Now is just moving next with sounding part upgrade : Gold 200 or Magnepan .7s

You’re welcome. Panel speakers require careful placement and need some space. I am sure you will make the best choice when the time comes.

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The GDAC is voltage specific, so if you have a 230V unit, please do not plug it into a 120V outlet.


OK, got it

Hi @Serhan
i have some small issues that on the source (CXN V2) playing 192khz -24 PCM wav file and output to GCD via coaxial, i see the CXN definitely playing like it did on old system. the GCD always show only 44.1khz -16. Can you tell me how do i config/setup … etc to make the GCD work with 192khz, another issue that on the source i play 64Mhz DoP file and output to GCD via coax , same setup above , but the GCD hear nothing with DoP64 file ?
Is there anything i need to do to complete the setting up the GCD?

anyway, I don’t have that issues with analog inputs on GCD, only on digital

Many thanks.

Hi @leean
Others may have a better answer to this.
In my case, 44.1 display was there, but I knew it was playing at 192KHz from both sound quality and the Naim software app screen on iPad. I never asked anybody because the sound was so good. DoP 64 and DSD 64 require USB, 128 requires I2S, and please note this is not the same as HDMI connections though both use HDMI cables.

OK, with your confirm then just forget it, i don’t really care what it showed if we already know there is some limitation on display, translating source info. … . I found it a big step move up compare to my old Cambridge combo.
Now just on burning in time, hope it will sing better and better after a month or more.
Thanks Serhan for your confirmation. i have no concerns now.

Check the manual and the forum for phase and filters settings on the GCD, very interesting. This setup should give you years of enjoyment, and the best thing, it is not a power hog though powerful.


You’re not the first one to mention that the GDAC only ever displays 44.1 connected to the GDAC via COAX from a CXN. Serhan nailed it with regard to DSD. The GDAC is able to do that through USB and I2S.