I am currently evaulating an 8’ run w/ Bi-wire adaptors set connected between my Dunlavy III.a speakers and a pair of M700 amps. I am not ready to comment on their sound as I’ve only had them since Jan 3rd but will report my impressions. I can comment on their design and connection method. The Dunlavy’s were a particular challenge in connecting the bi-wire adapters due to the recessed and angled mounting posts. A picture is posted here. Not only was the angle an issue but the distance between the outside edge and the posts were only about half what would be desired. Fortunately, the encapsulation of the ends is flexible and robust enough that it will bend 90 deg. so that I could approach each post from the outside much in the same way as if they had been surface mounted. This resulted in them being tightly side-by-side but made for a normal cable connection to their nylon bolts.
The amp was also a challenge as it appears that the posts are 5/16" instead of 1/2" These would have called for the additional adapters but I was able to get them to make a secure connection. While, it is eaier to use the two outside posts, I opted to use the two primary ones to eliminate the extra 6" jumper in the amp.
Finally, the cable itelf is well made and finished and its Kapton our coating appears quire robust though can easily be wrinkled or creased.
Jeff, appears to have stock as my order was filled in a day and recieved promptly by USPS Priority Mail.
Cindy, Cindy, Cindy! You disappoint me. Don’t you know that taste is a matter of taste? And how one gets to a preferred taste shouldn’t be limited to a single choice, or dictated by a geek, or a self-appointed committee of geeks.
And what preferences are you satisfying with your choice of equipment? You do have audio equipment, don’t you?
So, these cables risk damaging amplifiers and speakers and should come with a warning label listing all of their dangerous side effects - like prescription medicines?
Yes, people did not automatically respect me. That is the nature of the beast. We had, and still have a system in place to verify our science (geekiness) that included, public release of our methods and findings, and often of our data. Our work was subject to blind (peer) review and other adjudication. We acknowledge the limitations of our work and we continually sought to upgrade our work (findings, methods and analyses).
I was known as a methods geek, and for me that was a badge of honor that I had earned. I never became an academic to be liked; only to like what I was doing. If I was liked I earned it; if I was disliked, I also earned it.
I also found most, if not all, of the professional reviews online are incredibly positive, in addition to most positive reviews from the users in Audiogon forum.
First, it does not matter what the DC resistance of speaker cable is as it is not sending DC to the speakers. What matters is its impedance within the audio reproduction band. Secondly, with certain cable types there can be a correlation between DC resistance and impedance in the audio band. In the case of the Fidelium’s their extremely flat and wide profile minimizes inductance in the audio band and their separation minimizes capacitance. While I am out of town this weekend, when I return, I can provide an accurate DC resistance if desired for an 8’ length.
Dude, unless you have been made a mod that I am unaware your attempted policing of anything that offends you personally is unwelcome. If the content offends you have the right to ignore.
I understand the electrical properties/concepts you keep citing.
I don’t think you understand how to apply the concepts in a relevant manner in this context and with regards to the subject cables and their obvious utility for their intended purpose.