Since the Snowmass announcement thread is getting long, I thought I would create a new thread dedicated to the sonic characteristics of this update. What are you hearing, good, bad or indifferent?
Here are my impressions of Snowmass over Redcloud.
The presentation is much more forward, especially in the midrange with a sense of immediacy. Vocals are so much more palpable that I could almost feel Diana Krall’s throat resonating. The difference was so drastic that it was a bit uncanny at first. Is this what she would sound like if I saw her live?
Soundstage is much wider and instruments are more open and airy enveloping the listener. Some recording could almost feel like a surround effect.
There is an amazing amount of detail and resolution bringing out the smallest nuances of the musicians playing their instruments.
So does all of these amazing improvements make for a more musical experience? Well what I loved about Redcloud was the fact that it had more of an analog sound. Snowmass overachieves in many ways but I think it traded a bit of smoothness for a more forward presentation and resolution of detail. At least this is what I am hearing in my system.
Overall though it’s still a keeper and an amazing accomplishment by @tedsmith. Would love to hear other people’s impressions.
DirectStream Senior w/ Bridge II
Bryston BP17 Cubed Pre-Amp
Bryston 4B Cubed Amp
Focal Sopra 2 Speakers
Pangea Balanced Interconnects
Kimber 8TC Speaker Cables
DSD, Redbook CD and MQA