I was strolling thru the audio classifieds on Facebook and I saw this. Is it a real ad?
Audiophile Swap Shop
I was strolling thru the audio classifieds on Facebook and I saw this. Is it a real ad?
Audiophile Swap Shop
I am a member of that group and I found the listing.
It looks legit.
And these are not your Father’s IRSV’s. From the listing:
Ya lost me.
A. That cant be good.
B. Never knew of that site. Thank you
The thing is most that are aware of what an Infinity IRS V is or what it represents are either below ground, or are aged out and downsizing. I, as many here do, fall in the latter, and quickly approaching the former.
Now, with his own speaker line, why would he need the IRS Vs other than for nostalgic reasons.
I’m surprised it took Paul this long.
I just noticed Paul’s last name is spelled wrong.
See today’s Paul’s Posts.
The question is “run toward or away”? These aren’t going to fit the decor of most listening spaces not to mention the massively poor WAF.
forget fitting the decor, they wont fit in the door
The facebook listing is now marked sold!
Where are you going to put them,
In the very rural barn that my wife would “move” me to … permanently!
“Luck Lucky Bastad !”
So Al has got his bunnies some high-rise living accommodations!