Speakers renowned for "easy" setup?


I’ve been enjoying a set of bipolar tweeter speakers - Mirage M3Si. But, boy are they hard to setup and they have to be 5 feet from the walls…

What are some speakers that are comparatively easy to set up? i.e. that can be placed on a back wall, relatively indifferent to position, etc?

For instance, would a set of B&W 801 Nautilus be such?

Thank you!

Zu Audio


Ease of set up is also very much dictated by room characteristics.

Not sure about “reknown” but the easiest for me has been Cornwalls, Tekton and DeVore.

Devore is 9ft apart, 28in from wall, zero toe in. I had it almost perfect first try. Of course I did not know that till 27 adjustments later. Lol


Well, My Magnepan LRS’ were easy to set up, largely because they are so light and easy to move. 3 feet from the front wall, 6-7 feet apart, and you’re off to the races. Long narrow tweeter ribbons make seat hight very flexible.

Some people (I’ll mention no names . . .) don’t feel their day is complete unless they have tweaked their speaker position at least once!


Same goes for MMG’s.


I will 2nd that on the maggies (LRS+). While there are videos online that talk about how difficult maggies are to set up, my experience is the same as @Palouse and @rajugsw.
My maggies were easy to set up, and yes, the full-height ribbons allow any normal seating height to be perfect in getting your ears properly aligned with the height of the tweeters.


Planar headphones. So much easier than speakers.

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