As I related over in, I’m really enjoying my Sprout 100. I mean, really enjoying it.
However it is, as has been said, a great gateway drug to ever better sound, and as wonderful as it sounds, I can’t help thinking about getting a little more power.
I’m mainly focusing right now on upstream improvements, but I was wondering if the Sprout 100 would make a good pre-amp for a more powerful amp (M700s, Benchmark AHB2, ADG Audions, etc.)?
I’m hoping that, being relatively simple (I only use the analog input, connected to my Qutest, which is spectacular), it might be close to a straight wire with gain…?
It’s probably just overkill; I can’t imagine it sounding much better in my room than it does right now (but we know it can always sound better, right?!?).
Thanks for all thoughts/opinions.