BHK said The circuit is so symmetrical that if one slowly reduces the AC voltage to the amp, the output waveform remains symmetrical down to when it finally dies out.Very cool!
BHK saidThanks so much for taking the time to explain that--I really appreciate it, and you made the difference very clear. Can't wait to hear the amp! Kevinkevingan saidHi Kevin. I agree that some of those quasi-comp circuits did sound good. I designed an integrated amp for Marantz, the model 1120 that was the only quasi-comp amp they made. I still listen to the prototype of that unit in my lab in the form of a separate preamp and power amplifier. So, to the new BHK output stage. No, it has no relation at all to a quasi-comp circuit........I’m curious about the circuit after watching BHK’s video talk with the sketch: is this a quasi-complementary circuit…?
Thanks for any insight! Kevin