THE TEN BEST CD OR MUSIC DOWNLOADS with the best quality

The top ten cd or downloads . Based on music quality. Nothing bad just the best any genre any style .


Michael Jackson-This Is It

Eric Clapton-Clapton Cronicles

Believe it or not, Madonna-Immaculate Conception, one of the best CD’s I’ve heard for imaging.

Nickleback-All the right reasons

I could go on and on…

Hi alrainbow,

To be be a true “Top Ten” after we all identify our choices, can you track the posts and compile the data so each week or appropriate interval a “Top Ten” list is generated? This seems the only way the “Top Ten” will be identified. Otherwise we will just end up with a very long post of nominations. You might even split it up into over all “Top Ten” to more specific catagories as well. We could include, but not be limited to Country, Blues, Rock, Reggae, Jazz, Big Band, Audiophile, Asian, New Age, World, Soundtracks, Latin, etc. A rating scale of performance and sound quality would be nice too.

We could then add great music to our collections that would be unfamiliar to us and we can use these new additions to put into practice Gordon’s latest Mind Improvement Practice of stretching out and exercising our minds while we listen to music we’ve not heard before.

We have many people on the forum who are experts on the types of music they love and appreciate. I think this would be very helpful in building our collections. We wouldn’t have to worry about purchasing mediocre recordings as we explore the world of music.

Just a passing thought!

Steven B-)

1 anything by dire straits
2. Count Basie , Pablo Kansas City shout . Cd
3. joe jackson most . escept look sharp.
4. beatles most remasterd
5. sir paul mcarthy
6 billy joel nylon curtain sacd
7 movie sound traks dvd,s
8 norah jones not too late.
9 telark eric kunzel movie thems ... superman ,starwars . etc.
10 . flim fllam and the bb,s
11 billy cobham dangerous ddd recordings has amazing staging and dynamics. tremendis low,s .

@sgrowan Thanks for adding input , i truly do lack proper organizational skills in this.

i am willing to bet early on that jazz and disco will be on top of EQ picks. As disco was vey well done most of the time. And other than madonna i have never found any sacd,s . Makes you wonder just how good red book is , and is there really a need for higher res formats.

I was thinking we could do one genre a week. That way there would be a time limit for nominations then just compile at the end of the week. I think you’d be great at it. You have a lot to say and are very knowledgable. It could be a learning experience for all.

Steven B-)

sgrowan said: I was thinking we could do one genre a week.

Great idea!

Are we looking for best sound, best music or both?

@sgrowan No

I vote best sound , I’m not saying it has to be . Just my vote. For me it’s most likely all new and it is purely about great sound . I was thinking of genre too and a sub of studio and live .example

Rock -live

Joe Jackson cd DDD big world.

County crows cd across the wire.

Van Morrison cd or hidef download it’s too late to stop now.

Does this make sense?

Some current favourites

Privateering - Mark Knopfler 24/96

Waltz for Debby - Bill Evans Trio 24/96 *

Let it Burn - Ruthie Foster CD

Moondance - Van Morrison 24/96

Paradise Valley - John Mayer 24/96

Memphis - Boz Scaggs 24/96

Sun Million sellers - Various 24/96

* if there is a better version of My Foolish Heart, I would love to hear it. Just listened to this again and was blown away.

Not many people know Ruthie Foster. If you like blues then you really should check her out. She is quite nice, really friendly and a good musician too. Alas, blues and I do not get along so I am not able to enjoy much of her wonderful performance. Still, I can say that if you get the opportunity to see her live you really should do so - especially in a small venue such as a coffee house.


I will check her out. I have said before it’s all about the quality I will learn to like it if it is recorded well. I have been listening to a sacd of best vocals ever. It’s red and black. All I can say is wow. One track has James tailor whistling and singing

The man was in my office I swear I know what cologne he wears I swear

Lol. The whole disk is amazing even JAW dropping. Not my music but I played the disk three times in a row. And no blues man so not cool.


I can’t say anything about Ruthie’s CDs as I don’t have any and have never heard any. I do know that she is a good performer. She is a small lady who fills up a stage - and a room!

As for blues: I have enough difficulty with depression already, I don’t need any help getting there. Blues and Country are both not good for most depressives. I have no need or desire to learn to like either of those genres.


Play the songs backwards.

This works particularly well for country. The singer will get his truck back, his girl back, his dog back - great stuff.

Play the blues backward and you get sober, rich and laid! B-)

Some current favourites

Privateering - Mark Knopfler 24/96
Waltz for Debby - Bill Evans Trio 24/96 *
Let it Burn - Ruthie Foster CD
Moondance - Van Morrison 24/96
Paradise Valley - John Mayer 24/96
Memphis - Boz Scaggs 24/96
Sun Million sellers - Various 24/96

* if there is a better version of My Foolish Heart, I would love to hear it. Just listened to this again and was blown away.

Cerobo, many of yours are on my list as well - a listener after my own heart! =D>

I might recommend you get the Bill Evans Trio The Complete Live At The Village Vanguard 1961 3 CD set. My Foolish Heart is the same cut, but supposedly remastered from the original tapes. It's among my most favorite of his tunes, and I like the way this one sounds the best.

I was too busy over the holidays , but thanks for the offerings and i will start in a week .



Cheers @tony22

I will look up the Bill Evans set you mentioned.

Some others I am enjoying at the moment:

I Thought About You / Eliane Elias 24/96 (Enjoy her Brazilian english accent - love the songs esp. Girl Talk)

Kind of Blue - Miles Davis 24/192 new remaster (Almost a cliche but good music is good music)

Bright Eamples - Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion CD (Saw them and Ruthie Foster at Port Fairy Folk festival last year - really enjoyed it)

Pretty much anything by Keb Mo’


Hey Al,

Sorry if I have hijacked your post.

My list isn’t strictly my 10 best or even best sounding, just stuff I have on high rotation at the moment. To come up with a proper 10 best list would take more time and self-discipline :slight_smile:


High rotation probably means that it has something to offer. Or it is something that just pushes your happy buttons regardless of what it sounds like. I do have lots of stuff that I listen to that the recording quality is nothing special but not BAD sounding. I also have some that I would enjoy if the recording quality were not so mediocre.
