I’ve been playing around a bit with cables and find that, for me, the biggest sound changes occur in the Analog section.
Out of curiosity, I pulled out my “MIT MH-750 Plus Shotgun” speaker cables and the “matching” MI-330 interconnects from their basement lair of the past few years. In case you are wondering, yes, I did clean the spades and contacts and, yes, they did sound different [better] after an evening of playing.
The stage is dramatically deeper no matter where I stand in the room [including in front of my amp between the speakers]. The openness and space between instruments took on an almost holographic imaging. This is all when comparing to the Shunyata speaker cables and lesser vintage MIT interconnects. Timing and clarity remain the same but seems like there is also just a tad more richness to the tone without it sounding like they have been “repackaged”.
While I do remember that Bruce Brisson designed these cables to have higher impedance than others’ designs, I wonder why and how they have such a dramatic effect? I am not aware of any posted measurements of the actual IMP values, but I am really curious since logic might argue that higher impedance should be counter productive.
gordon said
I've been playing around a bit with cables and find that, for me, the biggest sound changes occur in the Analog section.
Out of curiosity, I pulled out my “MIT MH-750 Plus Shotgun” speaker cables and the “matching” MI-330 interconnects from their basement lair of the past few years. In case you are wondering, yes, I did clean the spades and contacts and, yes, they did sound different [better] after an evening of playing.
The stage is dramatically deeper no matter where I stand in the room [including in front of my amp between the speakers]. The openness and space between instruments took on an almost holographic imaging. This is all when comparing to the Shunyata speaker cables and lesser vintage MIT interconnects. Timing and clarity remain the same but seems like there is also just a tad more richness to the tone without it sounding like they have been “repackaged”.
While I do remember that Bruce Brisson designed these cables to have higher impedance than others’ designs, I wonder why and how they have such a dramatic effect? I am not aware of any posted measurements of the actual IMP values, but I am really curious since logic might argue that higher impedance should be counter productive.
The larger the capacitance difference the larger the effect of changing the cable. Whether that change is good or bad is entirely in the ears of the beholder.
I did notice that I turned the volume up 2 clicks on my pre so The extra seems to put more pressure on my amp. Luckily, it seems to like it and speakers are 91db so not an issue.