UK vaccine

Yes, many will have received one of the mRNA and/or DNA vaccines long before most of us but we still won’t have long term data for years.

Nor will we know, as others have stated, whether it prevents infection or only minimizes symptoms.

We also won’t know, for those that are immunocompromised, if the vaccine is effective at all for some time to come.

While I certainly hope it is safe and effective it will be a good long time before it’s as well known and tested as the inactivated or weakened vaccines of the past.

I should note that I am a huge proponent of vaccines and work for a company in US developing a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine with trials in Brazil.

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I heard the roll-out of the Pfizer vaccine is highly orchestrated because it is supplied in batches of 1,000 and has to be kept very cold and used quickly, they are arranging for largish groups of elderly and care workers to go to drive-in vaccination centres. The Oxford vaccine will be a lot easier to administer as it can be stored at 2 - 8 degrees, and it’s about 3 degrees outside, so no problems at all. Plus it is 10 times cheaper and 10 times quicker to produce.

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Do you trust the government or the pharma companies rolling the vaccine out? I don’t. This vaccine is not sufficiently tested for my liking. I’ll wait until it gets FDA blessing and I see the results of the early testing. The pharma companies have a liability shield, so they can afford to take shortcuts. I choose not to be a statistic. Purely a personal view, anyone who wants to take it is certainly welcome to.

I am ready to receive the vaccine shortly. In Denmark, 8 out of 10 will be voluntarily vaccinated. As a country, we can demand that our citizens be forcibly vaccinated.


I realize that everyone’s situation is different and some trust in the medical system is required. Because of the burden this bug puts on the worlds health care system and the tremendous stress it puts on the worlds economic systems I believe that everyone should be vaccinated same as other communicable diseases that have vaccines available.
Although this is an extreme viewpoint I think that if someone refuses the vaccine when offered it should be documented and they should also be refused treatment at a hospital if they get the virus and hospitalization is required. The financial costs of hospital treatment are enormous in many cases. For example 5 days on a ventilator costs roughly $100,000.00.
Here’s a social question: If you refuse the vaccine, catch the virus and give it to someone who dies are you then responsible (and liable) for their death?


Here’s a breakdown of death by age group in the US. The US population currently has over 95 million in the 55 and over age group. It doesn’t take a math wizard to figure out how serious this is.


Who said it’s not serious; however, invert that chart and you have something else.

IFR is one of two numbers that matter (your odds of catching it the other), all others numbers don’t tell the story. I will grant that the IFR can only be an estimate. I’d be willing to argue that the CFR is an estimate as well given the quality our data.

0-19: 0.00003
20-49: 0.0002
50-69: 0.005
70+: 0.054

CDC COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios Sep 10, 2020.

There are roughly 56 million in the States 65 and older, all of whom will catch the virus (as will we all as time passes if the vaccines fail). If the IFR cited above is correct, ~ 2.8 million over 65 will die.

The IFR does not count for those who survive, but with ongoing lung and neurological damage, etc.

2,500 people in the States died yesterday of COVID, more than those who died of heart disease - formerly the nation’s number one killer.

So, and not intending to be snide, is the argument the disease is insufficiently deadly?

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The numbers are what they are (give or take our ability to model). Judge the risk for yourself. There is a large cost regardless of what path is chosen. Not to be snide, I don’t want anyone to die. Out.

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Was thinking this would to be a topic in which our UK Mates were bragging about being vaccinated which of course is free through their NHS.

Instead it’s a pretty interesting discussion on COVID-19. Well played!

Maybe it’s that the daily deaths are still less than 9/11. That recalibrated our notion of “bad”. Less than 9/11 in a day = meh. :man_shrugging:t2:

If not liable for the death of a person one infects with COVID-19 and ultimately their death, certainly much guilt on the part of the spreader. Unless one is sociopath and they seem to making a come back in the US.


Agree to that completely.

There are indeed large costs regardless of what we do. There is no simple answer.

@nortonkp, the vaccines will also be free in the States.

There is some history of holding people liable for passing on herpes and HIV by having sex without informing their partner.

I think there a lot of naysayers spewing out unfounded information or repeating known falsehoods too. Especially in the USA.


When you go on the ventilator the trouble starts. This is an experimental vaccine that has not been run through the FDA, or had sufficient testing. It’s a rush job. On your same line of thinking, why don’t Pharma companies accept liability for their vaccines when things go south, and they kill people. Dying from vaccination is not a good outcome, but it does stop the spread. If/when, a proven safe vaccine is available, I’d be more likely to accept it. I know a doctor who told me that although he is pro vaccination, he wouldn’t want to take the C-19 vaccine until the third or fourth production run. It’s not best to be at the front of the line on this one. Spend some time researching medical mistakes…

I probably have a little different viewpoint as I have a close relative in the heath care field taking care of these patients every single day for the last 8 or 9 months now. She has seen more death in the last month due to covid than the entire 2019 year from all combined causes at her hospital.
It is a personal decision and you must be comfortable with it but everyone also needs to do whatever they can to protect the innocent.
You don’t get the vaccine for yourself. It is for the ones you come in contact with and could unknowingly infect.

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Same here. Multiple ones in fact. One at the hospital director level. Lots of misinformation out there. When the vaccine is fully tested we’ll all rest easier. But I’m not willing to be a guinea pig.

This article was retracted to stop the spread of misinformation. For more, see, e.g. clicky