If you also ever rode your bicycle with a new album (or several) under one arm…
YouTube has an astounding ability to gather whiners in one place.
Odd take. (on this video anyways)
I did not perceive it as whining. I heard a man with extensive musical training & skill and vast experience in the music biz with an intelligent perspective on the pathway music is heading, along with a relatable nostalgic look back at the way we experienced music collecting, sharing and listening.
For me it is yet another in a seemingly endless parade of whines pop/rock is no longer any good, we used to treat music more seriously, modern recordings sound dreadful, audio engineers do not care about sound, younger generations do not appreciate equipment, you cannot listen seriously to music using ear buds, modern kids do not care about music, I walked to school uphill both ways as a child, and stay off my grass!
Oh, NOW I get what you mean… WHINERS.
Nostalgia is one of the worse forms of violence we inflict, on ourselves and on those we’re currently attached to.
Yes, where whines are collected one finds whiners - as well as nit-picking for the sole purpose of criticsm, etc.
A pretty unhealthy approach, IMO.
I find heartening however how much good music this group brings to the fore, including new music, be it pop, rock, jazz, prog, ballads, etc.
I enjoyed watching this segment this morning.
Happy cake day @1cdfoley
A tragic event that could’ve been easily averted had the end user known the risks of using the wrong charger for his electric scooter.
Also a lot of good info on taking the proper precautions when using lithium ion batteries, especially larger batteries found in E bikes and electric vehicles.
This is an old video, but watching him play and listening to it as an acoustic piece was a real treat.
Yes was the group responsible for my sonic awakening at 14 years old. I went through the trouble of stealing Relayer from the Sears record department because I thought the cover art was so cool (I still have that album!) When I put it on I was completely bummed it didn’t sound like Black Sabbath, but forced myself to listen anyway. By the fourth time through my musical world had been turned upside down. Thanks for posting this.