What’s in a (your) name?

Happy Cake Day.

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Couldn’t resist.


I don’t know. First born male child and the beginning of the alphabet? The more sons they had the deeper my parents went in the alphabet to find a name.

I just got tired of using my typical screen name of 2dflier, which is a nod to motorcycling being like grounded flying.

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The last name of the home builder for whom I worked for a while was Crane. He and his wife had 4 kids, 3 boys and 1 girl, and they each had first and middle names that began with “A” and “B” respectively. He claimed he and his wife hadn’t intentionally made the entire brood “ABC.”

Which reminds me of one of the guys I worked with at the first architecture firm I joined. His name was Leon Noel. He said his parents swore to him they had no idea they were giving him a palindrome for a name.


Thanks for the clarification; in it’s absence, I would have assumed you (2dflier) were a MS Flight Simulator aficionado😁

My parents made the regrettable decision to name my three brothers and me with names beginning with “R”. This led to amusing stammering by my Dad when he was mad at one of us and began cycling through the names until he found the guilty party.

Similarly, it wasn’t until well into my childhood that I realized that middle names, when used by a parent, had other purposes than providing an early warning that “you were in for it!”


Back in the nineties I worked as a freelance engineer for a number of small UK HiFi manufacturers. One of them, Trichord Research, made a master clock modification and it was my task to fit them to customers CD players. When people asked the best way to upgrade a CD player the answer was “clock it”. It stuck.


Thank you for another example of an explanation that puts context on a name and is so much better than what I would have guessed it to be. I was thinking it had some athletic connotation related to saving time via a timeout, spiking a football, going out of bounds, etc.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I knew an acupuncturist named Lance Lincoln.
I knew a urologist named Richard (Dick) Long.
A good friend of ours named his 3 kids Mary, Juan and Anna.


I had some throat surgery about 25 years ago, and the anesthesiologist was Dr. Payne and the surgeon was Dr. Hackett. No lie.


We have @DrPain on our forum. Good guy. Met him at Axpona. Meeting was painless.


My flight instructor’s name was Dave Stahl.


I had 2 professors at Texas A&M; Cain and Abel.


I had shoulder surgery a number of years ago. The surgeon was Dr. Payne.

Fans of aptronyms can find several here

An example I found funny😊:


A pair of twin boys I grew up with through school were named Shawn and Sean. Apparently their mother didn’t realize most pronounce Sean as Shawn or Shaun and not SEEN.

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The neighbors next door to the first house my wife and I bought when we started raising a family had three daughters: Candy, Randy and…you guessed it…Dandy!

You can’t make this stuff up folks.



They got actual porn names!

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I shudder to think about their ultimate career paths.


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I work at a middle school with 1000+ kids and am amused by some of the very creative names parents are coming up with.