I updated to 2.20 (pld109) from pld107 and have found I’m having massive problems with playing 24/192. Previously I had occasional issues with micro-skipping, etc with the older firmware but nothing like this. I’m using the bridge latest firmware which has been in place for a while.
any thoughts?
Was there a reason why you went to the version with (pld 109)? Is that version suppose to sound better?
Man, I still don’t have a clue as to the differences between the various versions of 2.20… The one I downloaded from this forum doesn’t include (pld 109), and without looking, I’m not so sure it was (pld 107), but my system seems to be pretty stable.
From what I read people liked the way it sounded but I was also hoping it would improve the few problems i was already having with 24/192 not make them worse.
Perhaps you can give some more information regarding your setup. What is your music server software? Wired/Wireless? Because it seems odd that a PWD firmware would influence the streaming part of your setup (Bridge). But we have heard/seen stranger things (e.g. firmware changes sound signature etc), so who knows
n.b. What file format are you using, FLAC, ALAC, WAV, AIFF?
Always flac. Hard wired using foobar upnp streaming plug-in.
I like DAC 2.2.0 with Bridge 0.2.13c sounds good and I have had no stability issues.