It’s been quite a while since I created one of these, so here’s a new one. I hope you find something in it you like. If you encounter any problems with it, let me know. It’s supposed to be set up for public access.
Nice list, especially like Robin Holcomb’s John Brown’s Body.
Thank you.
Thanks for doing this! I’ll have to give it a spin.
Nice, I am breaking in a new power cord (nice one) so I will give the playlist a spin now!
A clerk in a real record store in Ann Arbor introduced me to Holcomb by suggesting her Little Three album, saying it was a cross between Charles Ives and Stephen Foster. I found out much later that she’s married to jazz artist Wayne Horvitz, and they did at least one album together.
It has been a while…how do I save this so I can access it through Roon/Qobuz?
You need to go to Qobuz first to find and it, then it will appear in Roon. I do not think you can do it in Roon.
Not sure how I figured it out but I imported the files via Qobuz and managed to add this playlist to my list of playlists in Roon.
I don’t have to open Qobuz in order to play this Qobuz Playlist via Roon.
For anyone interested, playlist nos. 1-22 are available, too (24 is in the works and not made public yet). You should be able to find them in a “Craig’s Ear Candy” search. There are some other ones, too - a short classical list, a film music list, etc. I can’t promise they’re free from repeats, and some of the older ones may have tracks that aren’t available anymore.
Thank you! This whole digital audio thing is full of surprises, mostly good, and just keeps on getting better and better.
Outstanding playlist Craig, enjoying it immensely
Thanks again, your playlist brings in a good mood in the late afternoon. It especially goes well with red wine.
I noticed there is a playlist out there called “Craig’s Ear Candy All” (authored by Alex) that appears to combine Craig’s first 22 playlists into a single playlist (total of 241 tracks). This might be convenient for those, like myself, that use the shuffle function on large playlists like this. I’m hopeful Alex will be aware of Craig’s latest playlist 23 and append it to his “All” version.
I’m flattered he thought that a worthwhile exercise, but I deliberately kept them to 20 tracks so listeners (like me) could muster the time and focus to complete each one without distraction or exhaustion. That’s not a criticism of anyone who listens critically to more than 20 tracks at a sitting, or who wishes the lists were longer. Just an explanation of why they are what they are. I have other general listening lists that are dozens of tracks in length, like my “Craig’s Mix Tape #100” or my “Craig’s ‘45s of My Youth,’” the latter of which fills 10 CDs.
Thanks for the background and clarification Craig. I ran across the thread yesterday and wanted to “heart” the playlist for later listening in Roon. Then I read there were another 22 (and apparently more beyond those ). Seeing the “All” version seemed like the “easy button” for making Roon aware of the whole set. If each playlist was created with a particular theme or purpose, I agree that they should be consumed in that manner. Thanks for the time and thought to curate these.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say there’s a theme, at least not for the 20-track ear candy lists - they’re just tracks I either already knew, or recently came across, that I thought were good enough to be interesting for their musical and recording merits. No thought (or almost none) was given to collections or arranging of lists, so someone putting them all together is not a big deal. I just wouldn’t be able to listen to that many in a single sitting myself.
Beyond those, though, I suppose there are themes. I don’t recall which of these I’ve made public, but there are lists for George Harrison-penned Beatle songs, Adam Schlesinger-written songs, the aforementioned 45s of my youth, the general mix tape list (just general stuff I like - the digital equivalent of the dozens of mix tapes I made in my 20s and 30s for my own enjoyment), a “non-audiophile ear candy” list that’s just regular recordings that aren’t usually thought of as “audiophile” that I think sound good anyway, a short film music ear candy list and a short classical ear candy list (either of which could be expanded greatly).
I’ve never tried searching Qobuz for playlists from individual persons or companies, so I don’t know if someone can simply search by my name and see all the ones I’ve made. I’ll have to look into that. Otherwise, if there’s interest, I can just put up a list here with links to all of them.
Didn’t find it - could you post the link here too?
OK, here’s everything I’ve got that’s shareable:
Ear Candy 1: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 2: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 3: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 4: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 5: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 6: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 7: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 8: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 9: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 10: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 11: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 12: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 13: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 14: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 15: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 16: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 17: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 18: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 19: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 20: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 21: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 22: Open Qobuz
Ear Candy 23: Open Qobuz
Non-Audiophile Ear Candy: Open Qobuz
Film Music Ear Candy: Open Qobuz
Classical Ear Candy 01: Open Qobuz
45s of My Youth: Open Qobuz
Best of Gordon Lightfoot: Open Qobuz
Adam Schlesinger’s 30 Best Songs (NYT): Open Qobuz
Mix Tape #100: Open Qobuz
I hope all those links work. I see in the preview pane that they aren’t showing up spelled out in text, but are converted to “Open Qobuz” links. And the Mix Tape #100 list should be played on shuffle or you’ll get multiple tracks from the same artist, clumped together.