A Wild Goose Story.

Early this spring we were visited by a young goos who came twice a day and eventually came on the deck and ate from our hand.

Then one day “Tashi” just disappeared.

We were a bit worried but figured he went further north to get away from the heat.

Well today Tashi showed up and he brought a few friends. I’m guessing over 100 so far. It is hard to count as they come and go, almost like they are eating in shifts.

Tashi came up to the deck and honked a few times just to say Hi.

I was just about to go mow the grass. Just as well it is over 90 today.

Anyone know how to get rid of clover?

I was clean last year but getting bombarded this year.

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I bet you easily recognize Tashi. It is interesting how one can learn to recognize individuals when initially they look the same.

I have some foxes that come to eat and you can sit with them. I am pretty good at picking them out from their brethren, but glimpses of fox slipping through the woods can be tough.

Well his honk did help.

We’ve decided not to feed the Cervus canadensis.

Unless, of course, they are audiophiles. :smiley:

Gordon said: Anyone know how to get rid of clover?

Try a herbicide with "2,4-D" in it. These are for broadleaff plants and have little effect on grass. Ortho's "Weed-b-Gone" is the go to product in the USA. Use a water hose based sprayer to broadcast.
...The Lama will not approve, Gordon... ;)

Nor llamas.

Clover was a desired lawn plant until the development of herbicides. Advertising led us to believe all non-grasses do not belong in a lawn. I suggest embracing the clover.



Because I am waterfront I have more restrictions than some other zones.

I use Wee-b-gone on individual weeds.

I did not know it worked on clover.

I have a sprinkler system so maybe I can add some via the fertilizer tank.

Usually my fertilizing and cutting keeps the grass as the security guard but this year something must have blown the clover into my yard and it is rapidly spreading.

Maybe the goose poop will add some nitrogen.


What I also find interesting is that Tashi also recognized US and told his friends about out pit-stop with multiple bird feeders and free pita bread on demand.

So he has to be able to sense, recognize us, know we are friendly, remember where we live, tell his friends, convince them it’s safe and oh… don’t forget he walked on the deck and honked to let us know he was back.

Cornflakes? Must be, as I don’t speak duck.

Gordon said: What I also find interesting is that Tashi also recognized US and told his friends about out pit-stop with multiple bird feeders and free pita bread on demand.

I find this easy to believe. The foxes tell their friends and bring them to the house. They sit outside, waiting for food. They also bring their young and teach them how to signal they are there.

Given the importance of obtaining food, it makes sense they have a means of communicating to their clan that they know where food is. Regardless of the explanation, it is great fun.

Much like teenagers.