AC12 discontinued?

I’ve just noticed that the AC12 power cable has just been removed from the product page. Is it discontinued? Is there any new product (power cable) coming up to replace the AC12? Thanks!

It’s still there! Maybe you viewed the page when some sort of refresh was happening? As an aside, Paul mentioned several months ago a new line of power cables were being developed, but he hasn’t mentioned them in a while. PS Audio has had a lot on their plate the last couple of years, so some things are getting delayed.

Thanks pmotz!

They have been described as a new braided design. That would make them similar in one regard to the new AQ power cables. The braid increases flexibility.

Wasn’t aware of that, thanks for pointing it out. I will say the AudioQuest braided power cables were in many rooms at AXPONA. They must be doing something right!

Any idea when they will be released?


No. This is a project that has gone nowhere and I am not sure why. It may be a case of laziness. The AC series still sell very well and I’ve been so focused on other projects that I haven’t been pushing the few laggards as I should.

Sounds like you need to get to work! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: