Anybody following the MOFI "One Step" fiasco?

…but they have never been unsealed!

Are you a Mofi customer? Do you need a lawyer? Better call Saul.


Just saw an interview with the engineers from like 5 years ago and they lie, talk about how pure Mo fi is (he actually uses the word “pure”), and directly says the entire chain is analog.

It’s amazing how knowledgeable they are when they are lying.

But in the 2022 interview where they admit to using digital, they don’t know anything, can’t remember, etc.

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Here is the interview from a few years ago.


Hose job . That’s what often happens when we live in Hoseopolis!

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You know, Mike from the in groove emphasizes that we can’t blame the engineers, the poor engineers, “it’s the marketing guys!”, but we can see clearly in this video that the engineers are totally in on the grift.


I compare statements made by the MoFi engineers in this interview to the tardy statements made by Jim Davis in response to consumer pushback:

‘We apologize for using vague language, allowing false narratives to propagate …’.

I find nothing vague in this interview. A clear distinction is made between MoFi’s analog and digital products. The topic of DSD transfer comes up when the conversation evolves to the digital side of the house. Laudable as the effort is to transfer analog masters to DSD for archival purposes, that isn’t what consumers of MoFi’s analog products were paying for when purchasing MoFi’s vinyl reissues. I also take issue with Davis’s suggestion that, well, the problem is MoFi has ‘allowed’ false information to be ‘propagated’. As if he’s apologizing for not stomping on the whistleblowers soon enough. Yet here we have people from inside his own shop engaging in exactly what the whistleblowers have said MoFi has done. I’ve washed my hands of MoFi’s music products. While I’m keeping everything I have in my collection, I am going elsewhere for vinyl. Such a shame, MoFi is solely responsible for its future fate with consumers.


This fraud may cost them a lot of $$$. Bankruptcy protection?

I literally have no vested interest in this mega-kerfuffle, as I don’t own any vinyl produced by Mo-Fi using this, recently disclosed, method of “re-mastering” (a misnomer, IMO - FWIW).

That said, given the fact Mo-Fi appears to produce and arguably great-sounding product, I just don’t see this as anything more than a PR speed bump - one that they should be able to get over, with time.


Who cares?
Among the many b*tching about their marketing, all agree that their current pressings sound better than ever. I’m paying attention–give a damn–about the product in my hand, how it sounds, the end results. Anyone out here noticing a downturn in sound quality, can tell that there’s one or two steps in the analog process eliminated, replaced by a DSD step? Probably not…
The rest is marketing phonetics…


Well, just in case this comment was partly in response to my recent post –

Please note that I have not missed the point. Character and ethical conduct are important to me (in life in general). My current opinion is this misstep, deliberate or not, will not ultimately ruin the company.

I made my post above in direct response to this comment:

This fraud may cost them a lot of $$$. Bankruptcy protection?

No point about their integrity, or apparent lack thereof, has been missed by me.


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I don’t, in this case, as I’ve mentioned. Prolly boils down to one of two things: Being lied to (even if unnecessarily) by a manufacturer whose products you paid a premium for or you’re one of the folks who bought their stuff as an investment rather than for SQ, and your collection/unopened mint copies took a hit😝

I’m not missing the point at all. As someone stated above, with so many things going on in the world today, people are dwelling on Mobile Fidelity? They changed me and my family’s quality of life for the better or worse how?
Who cares! If I’m dwelling on a marketing ploy then there’s something really wrong with me.
Move on, go live your life vs dwelling on such a petty petty issue that won’t stop many from buying their current and future releases. Many have stated that they’ll cease buying MoFi releases from now on, and I don’t believe them at all whatsoever.

MoFi’s been releasing DSD-based masterings for vinyl for 6+ years now and no one noticed, could tell a difference at all, raved about the sound of their deluxe releases all along, and now are feeling burned about such great sounding trickery…

Let’s start putting this nonsense into some proper perspective and get on with our lives…


You do not, which is fine.

Others care as they were lied to as to the provenance of the LPs.

I believe this does not bother you. I also believe those who state they will not longer buy from the company.


And that’s fine for you, but my disagreement is that some people actually think that morals can be adhered to or not, and somehow lose value depending on what else is going on in the world. That’s just not how it works.

That’s part of the problem with the world these days. The whole point of morals is that you stand by them at all times weather people are there to notice or not. And unfortunately far too many people are not having any moral backbone without any kind of recourse. There are morals in every factor of life, and I appreciate them at all times and do my best to live by them.

This just isn’t good enough for me.

I hold companies to the same expectations I do of anyone else and myself with regards to lying or worse.


Moral relevance—good for some, not good for some.


Sez you!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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The seeming vehemence of your post would suggest that you are massively overestimating the importance of this in our (collective) lives based on our interest in the subject. Or it is Sunday where you are, and there are bevs involved. If so, no worries, we’ve all been there.

For most of us it is a fun topic. A tiny fun topic in our lives. Don’t read into it. In some cases this is a welcome distraction - an oasis - from serious life stuff.


I don’t own any Mo fi.

I don’t intend to buy any.

If they owned up and apologized I might pay a small premium, but only maybe 40 dollars for one record, so similar to tone poet prices.

I hope they go under.

No opinion on the current issue (although I am really taking a position), but MOFI has always held a warm spot in my heart. I bought the Beatles Box when it first came out. It was huge investment for me at the time. Carried that box, in perfect condition, to 50 different places. Played to death on my California Air Force barracks system, all 1976 Pioneer. The provenance of that set was never in question. Ended up selling the set, still near perfect, for triple what I paid for it. One of the best values in my life.