Luca, thanks for the wine and travel suggestions. I have friends who live most of the year in Spello (just south of Assisi) and return to the U.S. for only a few months each year. They fell in love with Umbria, and I can understand why.
I lived in Modena for 10 months in 1978-79, and I’ve returned to Italy several times since. My wife is a Classics professor who teaches Latin to college students, so she is always happy to visit Italy. With advancing age and a few complicated health problems, I’m not sure if I’ll get back to Italy for another visit - but I hope so. Reading about Umbria and Tuscany always stirs up warm memories of the beautiful sites and beautiful people in your wonderful country.
Thanks, how little is this crazy world! I guess you loved the Aceto Balsamico then, after you lived in Modena.
This country will be honored to see your wife and you again, good luck!
Etiam si nati in contraria litoribus, in eodem pelago decurrimus.
It is wonderful that we can share so many things, even well beyond the same ocean, as was mentioned in the Latin you shared.
From my time in Modena, I still appreciate the aceto balsamico, the Parmigiano Reggiano, and the handmade tortellini from the the city market in the centro storico.
I was talking to the importer who is sending me the latest NEW USB pure silver reference air dielectric cable from Inakustik. One of his previous favorite USB cable was the Punk Faun. He said he has tested every USB cable out there and pink faun is in top 3 or 4. He also said shunyata Omega was up there @dchang05 .
He is pushing the New Inakustik Pure silver and said he convinced them to develop it. My 1meter should show up Wednesday. He said give it at least 12 hours to start shining.
He said two most important cables in a digital system is the power conditioner and either the USB or AES cables.
Good to know Vmax, keep us informed about the new USB 2404 Silver, cost and performance, compared to Pink Faun and Omega in particular.
I’m also on the market (if I take my final decision for the MSB DAC) for a AES/EBU not intended between the streamer and DAC but between the PST and DAC: what’s your dealer experience for that purpose? Still Omega the king? Still Pink Faun on his top 3 or 4?
I’d like to try the Sablon EVO (1k euro range) awaiting more infos and comparisons from new silver Inakustik, too.
Hi @jazznut.
What I am fully intending to say is simple, the USB interface has received some very unkind press on this forum. It is/was over the top and not backed up with technical proof.
That’s it. I wish to make no other comment about any other interface.
Dealer says whatever digital cable silver is most important but to use AES/EBU or USB are equivalent for top performance. He tested between a Pink Faun 2.16 Ultra and Aires Cerat Kassandra II Sig LE DAC. His Top Dog cable for Digital USB Or AES /EBU is Inakustik Pure Silver. He says it does least harm and no coloration. He claims difference is not subtle.
The AES/EBU one labeled xlr below. It might be worth considering for your BACCH DSP might AuSB version will be For The BACCH4Mac to DS Mk2 i detect some muddyness that the regular USB through Matry to Dragon 48 HDMI i2s link did not have. Too bad matrix was throwing in time delays that caused Bacch4mac to glitch. The regular Inakustik Referenz USB doesn’t glitch.
I use a AES/EBU between the transport out on the Ethos to the Grimm MU1. The Grimm connects to the BACCH-SP via SPDIF. The Legato phono stage connects to the BACCH-SP via Stealth Sakra V17 balanced cables. The BACCH-SP connects to the Gryphon Commander preamp via Stealth Sakra V17 balanced cables.
The Ethos DAC is not used, I use the DAC in the BACCH-SP. I switch inputs via the BACCH-SP. I just use the Gryphon Commander to control volume.
The BACCH-SP adio could replace the Commander but I believe I hear a slight improvement in sound when I use it. Whew!