Maybe Bobby Broom would enjoy a good steak before his show.
Friday and Sunday
Friday through Sunday.
I hope to go to AXPONA. I’m sure my cardiologist will clear me for travel by then, but I may be limited to a single day (because I’m cheap and don’t want to blow for a hotel). So I may monitor this and see when most of you are going to attend, or if there’s a forum event, I can plan around that.
Craig, if you’re going to go for only one day, let me offer my advice to suggest you go Saturday. Many rooms typically don’t sound very good on Friday, and on Sunday you run the risk of some rooms packing up early (that number seems to go up with the worsening of the weather). If your main goal is to hear as much as possible, Saturday is the day.
Also the most crowded.
All too true.
Craig, Saturday is the most crowded, so I’d take that into account. I agree, exhibitors are continuously adjusting and tweaking as the event goes on. My opinion is the sonics at best give one a hint of the equipments capabilities. I go to socialize, listen and check out the eye candy. Friday is my favorite day as the early morning crowd tends to be light in comparison.
BTW, feel free to join us for a post show dinner Friday evening if so inclined. It would be great to meet you. Wishing you the best and for a most speedy recovery, godspeed. I’m on the mend from recent knee surgery.
Wewdeewop is right. The most productive, easy to navigate day and time is early Friday. I get a lot done with little crowd interference. I have always heard the rumor that you might get some good deals in the record-doodad section on the first floor on the last day since vendors don’t want to pack the stuff up and drag it home. I personally have never found it to be true.
Some vendors offer a fairly steep discount if one would be interested in picking up items at the show’s conclusion. Speakers come to mind, and it typically is not advertised, but a simple conversation can yield a post show discount. Also, Holm Audio in conjunction with Nordost typically runs a 25% show discount for the entire line. Sometimes Z’ev Schlick offers nice discount on the Pure Audio Project speakers on display. He leans towards arranging the discount pre-show.
Strong negotiating skills can yield a fair discount from several other vendors as well.
I like Friday morning. Take elevator to the highest floor in the tower and use the stairs to go down each floor to check out the rooms.
I prefer the Thursday private showings.
I may have to make sure your hotel accommodations are appropriate on Thursday.
Thank you Luca!
My method as well. I may alter it this year and hit up a few favored exhibits initially.
Yes. Great advice! Go to the exhibitors you must see first on Friday then go up to the top of the tower and work your way down!
Mike Holm is a characterx2.
I thought the same last year. I didn’t find any special deals but I was only buying music not hardware. A tip for you music buyers pay with cash so you can avoid the 10% tax!! Ouch.
AND don’t forget that you have to carry home what you bought. So those “show special” Acoras, for example…