I’m afraid a glass is not enough… and more Dragons will come… HC for amps, then SOURCES for DAC and PST and Preamp… till the end of the bottle! Cheers!
Any good online place to buy the AQ dragon in US? Anybody giving any deals?
I see its available in Bestbuy and 5 feet is 3K$.
See, e.g., post #396
@paul172 is this (post 396) Nick’s cell phone? Just so that I can text rather than call during holidays.
The contact info I shared is his direct line at TMR.
A very expensive necklace!
Hahaha…. it is our anniversary
Jokes aside, straight out of the box, the Dragon beats my RAL. Interestingly, I accidentally inserted it into the second I2S port on my DSD, and just flipped the channel when I realised. Sound was missing something, which was restored when I re-inserted the cable into the first I2S port which is well “burned in”. I’d never previously used the second one, so it looks like every part of the signal pathway needs burning in. If 200+ hours is going to make a big difference then I’m in for a treat!
I experienced the same comparing to my RAL and you are correct IMO you are in for a big treat!
I have placed an order for a Dragon 48 HDMI cable and a Wel Signature AES/EBU cable for my Auralic Aries G2.1 streamer. These Audioquest cables will be replacing Wireworld Platinum Starlight HDMI and AES/EBU cables. I am very excited as these cables should be obvious improvements.
Sounds like a killer combo!
Currently I am matched streamer and transport to Directstream dac with Wireworld Platinum Starlight but in a week or so I will be matched with top of the line Audioquest. Very exciting.
I wonder the best way to burn in the Dragon as I don’t want to run my transport 24/7 for weeks for fear of burning it out. I guess I will just use the transport and it will take a long time to burn in. Any advice? The streamer I can run continuously but not my 9 year old Perfectwave transport.
I just played the dragon thru my Matrix spdif and my Auralic G2 both all 3 benefited from the burn in.
I used a USB stick with repeat mode to run the PST instead of CDs, so there is no wearing on the disc tray when burning the AQ Dragon.
If you have a pst then then that’s a great option.
I don’t have the USP mode.
I may just use my transport as usual and hope it works well quickly. I am not going to risk burning out my transport to burn in a cable. The cable is worth about 3 to 4 times the transport but I am reading that the PWT is a good transport and worth keeping. I actually purchased a spare disc drive for the transport from EBay just to be safe.
Don’t worry about the burn in too much. You will hear a nice improvement in a day, and it will continue to sound better for the next few weeks.
Like @dchang05 says. You should hear an improvement right away. There will be instances of brightness with some tracks until it breaks in. I let mine play a continuous playlist thru thru the night. I turn off the preamp so I wasn’t taking hours off my tubes.
I am curious about the improvements in sq with the dragon used between the PWT and DSD?