Baseball-holics anonymous

Sort of reminds me of the Kauffman Center for Performing Arts in Kansas City.

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Glasgow, Scotland.

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having expressed my initial opinion about this piece of baseball architecture, oh how fun to go to a game there. Iā€™m in for that all day long!


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ā€œBatteryā€ of Armadillos.!

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As long it has A/C during the summer I am all in for seeing a game there!

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Thereā€™s a touch of historical symmetry there.

I donā€™t hate it. I donā€™t love it either.


Iā€™m fascinated by the HVAC systems in these venues.


I am wondering if this design, as rendered, is supposed to help cool the ballpark in the late afternoons/early evenings when games will be played.

Has anyone here attended a game at an indoor venue? That is, when the roofs are closed.

If so, are the temperatures on the cool side?

Iā€™ve never been to a game played indoors.

Yes many (Minnesota and Milwaukee). Starts out cool but if itā€™s crowded, warms up. Perfect long sleeve shirt environment. I like retractable roofsā€¦but Iā€™m from Chicago. Baseball in April is freezing.

I understand fans wanting to be comfortable, but baseball and football and soccer and rugby are outdoor games.

They should be played outside in the heat, cold, rain, snow, etc.

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Sorry, nope. Bet Iā€™ve been to four hundred MLB baseball gamesā€¦

Again, I understand. Weather is no longer part of the game.

Sports fans are wimps.

I am certain thousands of games have been played under comfortable little bubbles.

I went to one game at Tropicana and pretty much hated every minute of it except the taste of my first Cuban sandwich. Indoor baseball is okay on TV.
Iā€™m one of those wimps though and am with Elk on this one. At the other extreme I canā€™t explain how people would take it so far as to result in amputations.

While not a sports wimp (season ticket holder to Baltimore Colts then Baltimore Ravens) I have no problem with Tropicana Field. I moved from Baltimore to the Tampa/St. Pete area five years ago. Yes, it is a bare bones aging domed stadium, but no rain delays! Nothing worse than a two hour rain delay and then having the game called. Once first pitch is thrown the venue is not a factor in game enjoyment for me. And sitting in the AC in August and September games is not hard to take.

How ā€˜bout dem Oā€™s, hon!


Wimps is not the immediate word that comes to my mind; but generously, I am trying not to think of any other words at this moment out of respect for the fans.

But it can go too far

This is horrible.

A tough, dedicated group this is - definitely not wimps. Sad in any event.

My first planes were ultralights. I flew year round, off of a frozen lake in the winter using skis instead of wheels. A neighbor called 911 after seeing the plane go below tree tops thinking I had crashed.

The EMTs noted that even though I was thoroughly bundled and wearing goggles the tip of my nose had the beginnigs of frost bite, as did my fingers. I was surprised at the degree to which cold weather damage can sneak up on you.

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