Belden ICONOCLAST Interconnects and Speaker Cabling

Hi Allan, I suppose we could sprinkle the connectors with some “wolf urine,” apply liquid oxygen via pintle injector or find some exotic process that sounds impressive but that’s not been Galen’s way. Unless there is within some degree of rationality, a reasonably cost effective way to substantially improve a component of BAV or Iconoclast, we don’t. The ultrasonically welded “locking banana” is a fine connection. It’s not broken so no need to fix it.


Happy birthday, Bob!

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Many thanks for your entertaining response and help. I do like and very much appreciate the transparency (pun intended) with how BJC and Iconoclast products are presented.
Happy cake day!

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Happy Birthday Bob.
Hopefully you kids have an enjoyable day.

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Thank you Allen, Luca and Vern, for the B-day wishes! I’m in denial! God Bless you all!! :blush:


Hey we used to laugh at the old broken down guys sitting on the porch and now. . . .


We are one!


I told my best friend (who just turned 80) now that I have reached a position in life where I can do anything I want to do, I dont want to do anything. :thinking:
He said wait 10 years. :frowning:


I hope I make 10-years. Young bull to the old bull while looking down the hill at the cows, “let’s run down there and do one!” Old bull to the young bull, “let’s walk down there and do them all.” With age comes wisdom.:blush: Now if I can get out of my chair. Next on the agenda, a left shoulder “replacement” on Dec 19th! Can’t cast my fishing pole at the jetty anymore without pain. I’m terrified!


Good luck, all surgery is a big deal!

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My family doesn’t have the long life genetics so I shouldn’t make it 10 more but I’m gonna give it a heck of a try.

Good luck with the repair. I am sure it will go good for you.

My daughter in law is an NP and has shown that with the help of modern tech things that used to be difficult surgeries are just normal run of the mill jobs now.

Any surgery also scares the hell out of me. When you realize that the doctors are just humans and its your turn for them to “practice” on you it’s a scary thought.

And tell your sweetie I said hi.


Good luck, @BobBJC! Give Colin a call. :grinning:

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Good luck with the shoulder Bob. I have had three shoulder surgeries. One shoulder was done twice for trying to do work travel and self administered PT. Got a-case of frozen shoulder So don’t try what I tried. The therapist administered manipulation is invaluable!

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Hello Bob -
End of year surgery is good luck! Look forward to a bright New Year of casting that fishing pole line from the jetty and terrifying the fish you catch, rather than yourself. (I assume you are pulling our collective legs; you are casting a line from the pole, not the pole itself?) - Jeffrey in Philadelphia

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Thank you very much for the good wishes!! Grateful!:blush:

You’ll do just fine, Bob, but take rehab very seriously. Ortho surgery is another name for “high-stakes carpentry,” but fortunately there are a lot of good surgeons out there.

I speak from experience. 1 hip and 2 knees replaced. I’'m taking the newest knee skiing next week (18 weeks post surgery). Life is far from over.

One of these gizmos is HIGHLY recommended. There is a shoulder cuff available and post surgery “ice is your friend.”



Be sure to ask for an interscalene nerve block to help control postoperative pain! Hope that it goes smoothly for you.

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Thank you for the tips! I appreciate all I can get! I’m still terrified!:blush:


Good luck, Bob! Keep us informed!

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Galen, I enjoy your Iconoclast UP OCC 4x4 XLR greatly. The two pairs of interconnects have made a major contribution to my music enjoyment.

I know you have said different lengths of speaker cables do not make much difference in the system (within a few feet), but how about power cords? I am thinking of relocating my monoblock amps. But that will result in two power cords of different lengths. One will be 1 meter, the other will be 2.5 to 3 meters. Do you think that there may be an issue in creating different sound levels? Thanks.