Belden ICONOCLAST Interconnects and Speaker Cabling

Actually, thank you for your input. The site is just getting started up, and customers have a responsibility to get grouchy, so to speak, when information isn’t there to make a good initial decision. As good a value as I try to design in, these are expensive cables so we are trying to be "different with data for the customer. You never thought so much went into cable!

I mentioned I would not market ICONOCLAST such that ANY cable will provide attributes that are not built onto the design. So yes, proper product descriptions are a requirement for ICONOCLAST. This goes for the technical performance as well as physical.

I hope that we are getting there with necessary information not available on cables elsewhere. And the information`s basic concepts apply to ALL cable, so you can cross shop to get what is best for you.

We will be adding a customer comment section that will not only let you offer good responses, but negative ones, too. The negative responses allow us to tailor information to better make sure ICONOCLAST is a fit for you, and which cable. Returns are accepted 100% but they are a pain, still. Getting you what you need when you need it is our responsibility when requested.

I apologize if my response read like I was being negative. Sorry. I was trying to be honest and offer an alternative that might better fit your application. Of course we all want a Ferrari, but I have a VW GTI. The best simply doesn’t fit how I REALLY need to use the car most often. Cables are the same. Some won’t be mechanically appropriate for your least common denominator.

I made my home application fit ultra high performance, and accepted the limitations listening to music. ICONOCLAST is unabashed design to reach the best audible excellence, and at a REASONABLE price. OK, a Porsche boxter price verses a Ferrari. But the least common denominator is how the move the signal, with REASONABLE fitment physicals. True race cars ride pretty stiff.

The idea is that if audio is you main squeeze, you can work in quality cabels much like PS Audio gear. It is not “cheap” but it is obtainable and at a higher level of performance. A good price on bad products isn’t a deal, a good price on products that exceed expectations is. Part of that is meeting YOUR needs and on your first purchase.

Again, sorry we didn’t provide what you needed, and when you needed it such that it was useful. The best customers are those that expect the best from us, and say so! I salute you sir.

Galen Gareis


Good to go. Thank you.

Another car analogy: When I first got out of college, I sold Ferrari’s. We told customers that until the gearbox was fully warmed up, you had to shift very slowly into second. These are the syncros they chose to use and this is how it is; there was nothing wrong with the gearbox. And customers who couldn’t tolerate that aspect —and there certainly were a few, moved on to other brands.

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The higher up the chain you go the more finicky things become and the harder it is to make performance gains. I built, owned and raced oval track cars for almost 35 years. The last cars we raced tires were $800 a set and it cost $2000 in wear and maintenance every time you pushed the starter button. And yes it needed to be fully warmed up and a skilled pilot or there was going to be big trouble. I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything but also glad to see it all go. At least this hobby you can enjoy at home and you don’t get rained out very often. :grin:


Don’t even get me started on digital audio, and worse streaming. How many variables and formats do we have? How many do we need? How complex and inconsistent does it need to be?

Digital is good, sometimes. It has the potential to be good all the time and far simpler for users to get the most from.

Galen Gareis

After hearing the Ultradigital, I’m kinda confused why I2S didn’t catch on. I have a theory that all these audiophile USB cables are just changing noise profiles to counter the noisy interface that is inherently inferior.

@BobBJC Looking back thru all of these posts it appears as though the gen 2 Iconoclast is the correct cable design for XLR connections between the DSJr DAC and BHK preamp and also correct for BHK preamp to M700 power amps?

That would sure be my choice. And, I prefer the OFE over the TPC. You are of course, able to try both for caparison.

(Attachment Pricing2019.xlsx is missing)

(Attachment RCA and XLR Design Brief REV12.pdf is missing)

So, this is going to be perhaps the worst question yet (maybe ever). So I have 2 trial pairs of the gen 2 coming. Assuming they work well in my system and I keep them, does it hurt anything to put on braided nylon sleeve with heat shrink tubing at the ends to keep it in place? I only ask as in my current setup I have to look at the wires as my amp sits out in front of my rack. Also the wife would notice the bright red and then questions would start…

Happy New Year!

They are shielded, won’t hurt a thing to add nylon sleeves.

Galen Gareis


Thanks, sorry for such a ridiculous question!!

Understand. That would not hurt a thing.

It’s all good until someone asks where babies come from… I think you’re fine.

Does the same go for the speaker cables ?

No. Hearing your system with these speaker cables is like eating the forbidden fruit. Anyone who hears it will KNOW where babies come from.

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Speaker cables are, of course, are unshielded. So no metallic type sleeving, just dielectric types and you will be fine. Shoot, I tried to make the cables pretty and understated, but sometimes “nothing” but black is best.


I thought I would want to cover the speaker cables too but the color is subtle and we don’t notice it with the braided black.

Received my 4x4 TPC interconnects today. Stiff bastards that some 90s will solve, but boy do they ‘sound’ great.

Knew you’d like 'em. :sunglasses:

By 90s do you mean the era or temp or something else? Mine come Friday, so if you got any tips, I would appreciate it!