BHK 250 to 300

Hi everyone,

I have a question: can the BHK 250 be mono bridged and therefore be turned into a 300?

I’m about to pull the trigger on a 250 but don’t want to be forced to sell it in order to buy 300s if I want to update in the future. The devices look identical. Should be possible no? If not, then that would be a serious conceptual flaw imo.

other question: can the amps be changed from 110V to 230V operations easily?

the prices in Europe are so high, that I can do a 4 week US round trip, shop gear in the US, travel back with it and will still be cheaper… not cool at all. The distributor, dealer model makes gear sooo expensive and seems outdated in our digital world. Especially for a community such as PS Audio which seems to be quite digitally engaged. Which country distributor can repair or service PS gear anyway? Other than taxes, there’s no justification for these higher than US prices!! Sorry but somebody has to say it.

If you want bridged P S Audio amplifiers you will require the 300s… If you attempt to bridge a brace of 250s I am fairly sure you will wreck the 250s. I am sure Paul said as such when the BHK amplifiers were launched. ?

At the very least, you would have to change both the power supplies / transformers from 110V to 230V … Not exactly an easy and cheap method of conversion !

Price differentiation… There’s not much that one can do about the high prices set in Europe compared to buying P S Audio in America… It’s always been that way buying in from overseas… The economy of different countries, the strength of the US-$, etc, etc. Even if you could buy direct from P S Audio you would still have to pay at your end when it entered the country… What about servicing and back up ? You would have to ship back to America and pay both ways.

Dirk is correct. BHK amps cannot be bridged. Not the 250 nor the 300. Further, bridging doubles the amp’s output voltage not current. In fact, current is halved in a bridged amp. The 300’s charm is it has twice the current (grunt) of a 250. Which is why it boasts only a few more watts at 8Ω and 4Ω but many more at 2Ω. If it could be bridged, and it cannot, you would see very different numbers.