I thought it time to maybe upgrade my fuses in these beasts and thought it an easier task given there are only two of them show on the back panel, as apposed to six (2 main, 4 rail) on the 300’s. I see in the spec that there are also 4 rail fuses on the 600’s . They must be inside. I have not popped the top. Does anyone know if they are accessible? I understand the general consensus that main fuses are more critical than rail fuses but when I changed both on the 300’s, I could tell a difference.
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Hey straightwire…
Most benefit is derived from the main fuses…while the rails
could also help…
Best would be focus on the main fuses on the back of your amps and
leave the rails for some other time…
As for myself I didn’t want to remove the lid on my JC5 and do the rail
fuses. For me to try and determine best fuse orientation on the rails
would be more effort than value gained…
Best wishes in your journey!!
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What was that programable fuse system people here were talking about? While expensive, seems like it could be interesting to try if it came in the right value.