BHK monos on one P10

i read in one of the Ps forums that operating the P10 is best at about 50% for best results which I assume means the sound.

i have a wonderful pair of BHK monos, each on a dedicated 20amp circuit, but, you know, if it can be better…

question 1|

if I were to add a P10, would it be working too hard for best results? I listen on Wilson Audio Watt/Pup 7s at between 80 and 90 DB. Sometimes briefly to 95 Db c weighted fast response.

Dumb question number 2. If I got twin P10s, could each be placed under each BHK 300?

Many thanks. I want to be absolutely sure of my options as I am suffering from upgradeitis.

This thread may be of interest: click

There have been similar threads but they are hiding from me at the moment.

Wonderful info. Great thanks.

Please post if you have additional specific questions. Paul and others are happy to help.

And let us know what you decide to do and the result. :slight_smile: