Bubbleupnp issues/upnp issues

I am working on several Bubbleupnp issues with the new Bridge code. The volume issue is repeatable and I am looking at the cause. But I also see an issue of sometime a song won’t start to play with one of several error messages. If I switch to another renderer and then back to the bridge it works, I am not sure if this is a bridge issue or a Bubbleupnp issue. I am led to believe it is a bridge issue, by the fact that it worked in earlier versions of bridge code, but the more I look at things the less sure I am that it is a bridge issue. I will be continuing to work on these issues until they are solved, then there will be another general release of bridge firmware. I have already fixed several of the issues in 2.7.11 but not all of them are resolved at this point.


I found the volume issue with Bubbleupnp, and it is an interaction between the new Bridge code and Torreys. I have a fix for it but it will need to to wait until we do a new release of DS code. We are still looking into the other issues.
