Cable Synergy?

She’s a beauty and hard case with black velvet bag! Stealth needs to up their game!

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A fetish!
What does your shrink say about this?
:joy: :sunglasses: :rofl:


Leave poor Al alone. His cable thing keeps him out of karaoke bars. And that’s really what matters isn’t it?


sounds to me like dating criteria in my younger days.


@dchang05 I had a BAT VK50-SE and preferred it over the PSA/BHK Pre because it has ALL Balanced in’s and outs including two variable outputs, & one fixed. It had a very clean Tube sound, not warm & syrupy by any means.

But with the KT170’s I’ve recently installed on my Black Ice Audio F100. The midrange is so thick and the top end as sweet as some EL34’s and 6550 Tubes I’ve tried. The need for a Tube Pre wasn’t necessary anymore. I di an A/B with and without the BAT in the Chain and there were absolutely no ill effects to the soundstage, imaging, phantom center, and all those other “Audiophile Adjectives”.

Yeah, I was shocked too ! and now that I’m bi-ampling the Cornwall IV’s. I’m done chasing the Dragon.


BAT VK50SE is a great pre, and I used to have a BAT VK5i pre. It gave an excellent midrange and soundstage, and I do miss its sound.

But I am glad to hear you are happy with your current setup; that is what matters!

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I just bought some used audioquest cables: (excellent prices on all)
William Tell silver speaker between BHK 300’s and Alta audio Celesta speakers,
Earth XLR IC between Holo May KTE DAC and ARC Ref 6 preamp,
Fire XLR IC between ARC Ref 6 and BHK’s
They arrive today.
Will I be a happy camper, or did I make a mistake?
Opinions appreciated.

Maybe you can tell us once those cables settle in your system. Upgrading cables always put a smile on my face. I predict happy camper.

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I think you can only be a happy camper with Stealth cables.
Do you have equity in your house that you can borrow against?
Can you save a few bucks by eating only once per day?
Can you mow lawns? Shovel snow?


I was forced to draw the cost line for my cable expenditures somewhere. I may be addicted to equipment purchases, but I also believe in the law of diminishing returns.




Isn’t that the noise that sheep make?

Baaa: Sheep

Bahh!: Ebenezer Scrooge


Sheep shouldn’t be trusted.

AQ has more sheep than any other cable company. Believe what you wish.

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They’ve probably been around the longest as well. -But that doesn’t count for anything, now does it?

They can be sneaky.

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The first two pair of aftermarket interconnects I bought were Monster Interlink 300 and then a year or so later AQ Ruby. Both companies were founded in 1978.

I would try fire between the Dac and preamp. Earth on the amplifiers first if possible. The best cable should go from source to preamp. The lesser on the amps.

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I understand that, but the earth won’t reach on the amplifier. All of this was somewhat of an impulse buy. That happens to us audio addicts.