December sale from eClassical

I’ve been a customer of the eClassical music site for a while. In an email today I found the information pasted below. “hm” refers to Harmonia Mundi, whose recordings have recently become available through eClassical along with those from BIS and a few other labels. Half price sounds very enticing :slight_smile:

“Every day between Dec 1 and Dec 24 one hm and one BIS high-res product at half price. Get ready, tell your friends.”

I have purchased a good deal of music from eClassical. They are a good bunch.

Blame me… I thought that this deserved continued attention through the period of the sale so I ‘Announced’ it… :slight_smile:


Thank God you didn’t abbreviate it! =))

We can always “unannounce” it later.

Gordon: You’re welcome. :smiley:

Elk: My plan when I ‘Announced’ it was to unannounce it once the sale is over.

Peas All. :slight_smile:


Guys, I am happy to see even more “interventions” from the community leaders as this is indeed a “community” forum where the big cheese has given us lots of rope and I know he is proud of y’all for the support as well as the tone of friendship and decorum displayed. This is indeed a somewhat unique sandbox. Good move J.P.

Back On Topic :smiley:

I think that it would be interesting should any of us take advantage of this sale if they would tell us what they got and what they think of it. Show and Tell…


Just joined eClassical. Thank you all…was unaware of it.

Under the FLAC/mp3 tab there is a link to “the definitive history & future of FLAC.” Interesting article from B&W: