Detect power center price change question

Just curious if anyone knows why the detect power center went from 499 to 749. Was going to grab another one today and noticed the increase. Is this an updated version or is this the same detect from a few months back.


Also please don’t confuse this with anything negative. I just want to figure out if this is an update or not.

Lots of competition at that price point.

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No word on update. Demand for electronic parts has outstripped supply resulting in severe shortages and higher prices. So, manufacturers are probably paying more.

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It has not been updated other than increased in. price. Our cost of goods has sky rocketed with all the increases in duties etc.


Yeah, we decided we wanted to keep it in the lineup because it is a great conditioner and surge protector. It’s gotten much more expensive compared to it’s original release about 7 years ago.


Makes sense. It’s a fantastic unit. I hadn’t really considered the supply price going up but that makes perfect sense.