Hi. I could use some advice.
My system is now entirely driven by computer (system is shown below in the sig line.) I’ve tweaked the audio to the best extent possible, and we like the sound – and LOVE the convenience of computer-based audio and streaming from Roon/Tidal.
Thing is, it’s not really intuitive for non-computer people (like SWMBO), especially if something goes wrong, which seems to have happened a number of times, lately. I’m the computer guy; she isn’t. Add in the fact that, sometimes, our internet service is unavailable – rare, but it has happened, and that knocks out the music.
So, my lovely wife suggested that we need a simpler, backup arrangement to networked audio. If I ever became incapacitated and she needed music, CDs would be the best choice. It would also get us around network issues and the like.
Plus… I’m curious as to how the SQ from a good disc player would be compared to networked audio. Perhaps there’s a sonic advantage for those times we’d just like to spin a disc and kick back.
For these purposes, getting a DMP seems rather a steep price ($6K) to pay for the limited use we’ll have for it. Yet, from what I’ve read, the SQ is fantastic, especially when paired with the DS that I love. (Note: We do NOT have much use for the SACD or Blu-Ray capabilities.)
On the other hand, the PWT seems a lot more affordable. But, how does the SQ stack up against the DMP?
If the DMP were to be “worlds away better” in terms of SQ, it would be a compelling argument. Looked at from the other side, if I saved money by getting a PWT but found the SQ to be just “meh” in comparison, I’d feel as though I spent $1500 for not-so-great sound.
Having never heard either unit, I can’t help but ask, “What to do? What to do?” Any thoughts?