I have recently replaced my old gear with a DS sr and BHK 250 and am in love with everything I hear. My wife last week was organizing storage in the basement and asked what all these boxes were that said CD’s and could she toss them out. Years ago I ripped around 2500 CD’s to ALAC and have been listening via computer ever since so she thought why are we storing these useless CD’s. Now that apple music has hi-res and loseless I pretty much don’t ever even listen to my ripped CD’s short of the few that apple doesn’t have.
SO i’ll cut to the chase here. I just saw a PWT for sale for $1250. Would this thing be worn out by now, could it be repaired if it poops out? Wondering how redbood CD’s in a PWT via IS2 into my DS sr. would compare to Apple Music minimum 48k/24bit through USB? I love the ease of a digital library but I generally listen to full albums most of the time anyway so putting a disk in a machine wouldn’t bother me. Also assuming the remote for the DS sr can control the PWT?