DS Sr Won't Update Firmware

Thanks for the update.

Let’s hope the version they are sending you works!

So I got the force update SD Card.

Sadly no difference. My DS refuses to update.

At this point it sounds like my SD Card Slot/Reader is defective and just not functioning correctly.

Hoping there is some kind of reset that can make the unit aware of its SD Card slot again without having to send it for repair.

Sounds my issue with the SD Card reader slot is similar to what occassionslly happens to some people with their Bridge not appearing. But luckily there is a Bridge rescue solution for that.

For the SD Card, it’s all or nothing.

I’ve reached out to PSA. Let’s see what happens.

emilsejr…Did you ever get it figured out? I had to ship my DS back because the SD loader broke…it would not take and hold a card… My feeling is the mechanism is not very robust and is susceptible to failure after multiple uses …