DSd from Bluray/SACd to DSD mk1

Am wondering if there is an extractor that will send DSD SACD layer from my Sony BluRay player to my DSD DAC… spent time confusing myself with searches and can’t seem to find exactly that… not sure my marriage can withstand yet ANOTHER must have hifi component like an sacd transport etc :wink:

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Here you go !

Lots of info here on the PSA forums and a few Videos too !

Poetry on Plastic (Michael) did a Video based on a visit I made to his place here in Phoenix with my Integrated Sony Player.

And this where all the info came from :

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wow - awesome help, really stoked. mahalos!

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Anytime my friend.

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OK, following up. Holy smokes! Mahalos! See the attached photo. Took a while to get it sorted, and still waiitng on a Morrow Audio HDMI to I2S cable but already super stoked with the results. You saved me money (as I go broke seeking sonic nirvana)!

Mahalo nui loa!


Just ordered this one, a few bucks cheaper.

$55 USD free shipping!

Thank you for making this post!

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Mahalos - I have a similar converter but it reverses polarity and, well I am not smart enough to do the install as shown in you tube videos…

Awesome. What a difference from the stock Sony DAC Eh !

Joe Goswami

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What’s the polarity issue? Do you mean DSD channel swapping?

It looks just like the unit on the audiophonics site which says

The I2S LVDS via HDMI connectivity of this device uses the PSAudio format.

So I thought that means we’re good to go. However if it’s just a matter of making this small change I can do it:

I2S output board for my Oppo 203 vs Bridge II ethernet for sound quality? - Audio Components / DACs - PS Audio

yup amazing still have to figure out the L and R channel reversal but DSD is Chinese Silk

If your board is like mine, there is a marked section labeled “Swap Control” with two solder pads that need to be bridged.


When I add the 5v to the box, my DSD DAC Mk1 makes a sound like a needle hitting the record a bit hard at the very begining of play… kind of a ‘zapscratch’, never hear it without the 5v, but without the 5v my Sony player becomes intermittent on/off… any solutipns? (have ordered a hdmi to i2S cable that is psa i2S compatible so might clear it up?)

The Mk1 does make a transient when switching from PCM to DSD so it’s not the 5V adapter. I run w/o and it still pops.


I taped a pice of solder to test this before attempting to solder it and it fixed the L R issue - awesome! Mahalo

I have the same issue with the Black Ice Aries DAC as well. The DSSr. has done this for years and never damaged any Speakers that I’ve used with it. I compare it to dropping the stylus onto an LP . Same type of “pop” noise.

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