Ethernet filters: Waversa EXT-2 vs Muon Pro (and some cable comparison)

He’s goes through different brands of cables faster than I can keep up with. Almost always has something interesting for sale and is usually price negotiable. I am happy with the Tubulus Concentus so going to stop there for a while. Next up for me after the move and consolidation is complete is an Aries G2.2. Though there is a mint used pair of Verity Arindals that has been whispering to me from the US Distributor’s store in Boston. Trying to resist by telling myself the colors not quite right for the new rooms color scheme.


A very good and interesting review has just been published here:

Tempus switch, Muon Pro Ethernet cable, Muon Pro streaming system, various vibration tools as well as comparisons to Ansuz switches and others.


Popped up on WBAF as well, the rabbit hole is certainly deep.


Welcome FRO, this is the way! Can you share your thoughts about the difference comparing them with your previous ones?

Like you I am a big Stealth Audio cable fan.
Currently have Cloud 2020 cords on my Rowland 925 amps, Everest power conditioner, and Emm Labs DV2.
The Cloud Grande makes the biggest impact on the Taiko Extreme music server.
Also switched from the USB-T to the Double USB-T, which really shines on the Taiko.
Think I have really brought my entire system to it’s best so far.
The vocals and instruments have such incredible imaging and separation, like I have never heard before!!




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That’s a helluva system!
Enjoy. :grin:


If you don’t mind, I am curious:

Is there another stack of REL(s) on the left side of the front of the room?

Also, are the Jeff Rowland amplifiers a Class D or hybrid design; and how do you like them as compared to their predecessors in your system?

Thanks in advance.

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Beautiful system aesthetics and sound!

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I like your choice of cables!!!

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I am using the Cloude Grande AG on my Grimm MU2. It seems correct.


The Jeff Rowlands are Class D but sound incredible!
I have had Ayre MXR, Pass Labs, Boulder, Krell.

Here’s a full shot of my System - Thanks!!


A friend here on this forum has the MBL 101s with the same platforms underneath. We took the feet off the 101s so they fit flush on the platforms. It looks factory built that way in my opinion. But taking those feet off was less than fun.

Beautiful system! Beautiful room!
I can only imagine what that little Taiko box does for the sound. Yikes!
Envious I am!

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Thank you.

Which model are the Rowland’s?
They are also on my quest for good sounding class D amps.
I have Pass XA160.8’s which I really like but they are 1200 watt room heaters whether they are playing music or not.

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I had the same Pass XA160.8’s - got hot as hell!
My Rowlands are the 925’s.


Where did you come from and how did you find us? You seem so well sorted!

If you hang around here you will soon be obsessed with fuses and fuse substitutes. Plus, special feet to place under your empty fuse containers so your Ethernet cables are less stressed.
Less stress equals fatter mids.
(Christian Death Metal only)
(Oh, and some Show Tunes as well)


That is perfect news. I will contact my JR dealer next week to check them out.
I assume that the 925’s sound as good as (or better?) than the XA160.8’s?
Thanks and welcome to the “Old Men Spending Their Kids Inheritance Club”.


Don’t forget water molecules or magic black boxes, oh and coffee of corse!

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